Were you taught table manners growing up?


Dec 19, 2011
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When I was a kid, I was taught to chew with my mouth closed. Most kids I knew also chewed with their mouths closed. And you certainly didnt talk with food crammed in your mouth.

But I have noticed that no longer seems to be the case. In fact, it seems like chewing with your mouth open and talking is accepted as normal. I just watched this Gatorade nutrition bar commercial where they show a bunch of different athletes singing some song while stuffing their face with the bar. I really hate that and was just curious if you millenials were ever taught that it is rude and gross
I'm blaming Obama for the pussification of our youth.
Yea, we were. I hated eating with my family. If my sister or myself would spill something, my father would get all pissed and it ruined the mood.

I never grab food first, women and children first and as for chewing with your mouth open that shits gross.

This is why I eat alone, naked.. in my bath tub
number one rule was that you never interrupt anyone while they're eating.
I always chew with my mouth closed.

Talking with your mouthful of food? Never made sense to me. You're mouth is already preoccupied, whatever you have to say can wait.
My son, 2.5 years old, tells us "no talking with your mouth full" while he has a mouth full of food. He's learning, so it's a start!

He also keeps a napkin in his lap for meals too. Table manners are important.
Jesus why wouldn't someone chew with their mouth closed... Unless you were raised by wolves.

People chewing with their mouth open is my biggest pet peeve. I want gouge a person's eyes when I hear them do it.

It disgusts me when I hear radio commercials for fast food places and they make eating and drinking sounds for effect.
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Manners were huge growing up with my parents. Please and thank you sir and ma'am. I get a lot of shit at work for talking like that and people mistake that for being soft, but as the foreman I'll ruin your day you try to mess with me just cuz I called you sir and followed it up with a thank you. I instill it in both my kids and am constantly being complimented on their behavior when we go out.
You can tell how poor people are by how they eat
When I was a kid, I was taught to chew with my mouth closed. Most kids I knew also chewed with their mouths closed. And you certainly didnt talk with food crammed in your mouth.

But I have noticed that no longer seems to be the case. In fact, it seems like chewing with your mouth open and talking is accepted as normal. I just watched this Gatorade nutrition bar commercial where they show a bunch of different athletes singing some song while stuffing their face with the bar. I really hate that and was just curious if you millenials were ever taught that it is rude and gross

You are complaining about a fucking commericial? You sound just like a millenial bro.
My aunt was very strict especially when it came to eating at the table s:

One thing I hated was having to spoon ecery drop of milk after eating my cereal. Drinking it out seemed much better idea lol but that wasn't allowed.
yeah, I was, but I've forgotten them all, like most other things I've been taught through the years.
You are complaining about a fucking commericial? You sound just like a millenial bro.
no i am complaining about millennials in the commercial. i am the old "get off my lawn" guy. and it isnt just the commercial, it is that way in life. i used the commercial as an example because i assume most people have seen it
Yea, we were. I hated eating with my family. If my sister or myself would spill something, my father would get all pissed and it ruined the mood.

I never grab food first, women and children first and as for chewing with your mouth open that shits gross.

This is why I eat alone, naked.. in my bath tub
Yea, we were. I hated eating with my family. If my sister or myself would spill something, my father would get all pissed and it ruined the mood.

I never grab food first, women and children first and as for chewing with your mouth open that shits gross.

This is why I eat alone, naked.. in my bath tub

Yep, same with me (except the naked bathtub thing).

We teach our kids manners but they still seem to do their own thing from time to time. We don't throw a fit and ruin the mood...for the most part. Around the house they can be pretty messy but from what I see and hear they're pretty well-mannered away from home. So they know what to do in public.
No hats, no singing, no elbows on the table.

Literally Hitler.
Yep, my parents were strict about that sort of thing. My sister and me were punished for bad table manners by being sent outside to eat with the dogs. "If you're gonna eat like an animal...."
Manners were huge growing up with my parents. Please and thank you sir and ma'am. I get a lot of shit at work for talking like that and people mistake that for being soft, but as the foreman I'll ruin your day you try to mess with me just cuz I called you sir and followed it up with a thank you. I instill it in both my kids and am constantly being complimented on their behavior when we go out.
I feel the same way. It's common courtesy and respect. I have little respect for people who can't follow these basic principles. Neanderthals...
number one rule was that you never interrupt anyone while they're eating.

I usually eat lunch at my desk, and I fucking hate it when some co-worker approaches and starts asking some insignificant non-urgent work related questions or some other bs, or even wants to shake my hand. Fuck off, you ill-mannered weirdo!!!

I never grab food first, women and children first ...

In my family we didn't start our meals until my father sat down and started eating. The old-school, conservative, patriarchal traditions were strong back then. Little kids (babies, toddlers) would be excused, of course, as they grew up, they'd be taught in "our ways".

when there was a fire tho'
