Waterboarding as a form of interrogation, yay or nay?

And if you continue to do Terrorist shit, we're gonna torture your families too!

I would 100% agree w/ mob rule, fuck these terrorists, they get no rights, human/civil or decency rights.

You sound like the perfect guy for the job lol
I have no issue with it. It's performed by trained individuals with a doctor nearby, is non-lethal, and does not cause permanent damage.

But if often times gives FALSE information, so what's the point?
I am against torture for moral reasons. But do support
Waterboard until they give the real intel, not fake intel.

The bad guys have no code of honor, so being holier than thou will get innocent people killed by bad guys.

I saw on either History Channel or Military History Channel where one European expert said the only way to wipe out ruthless bad guys is to be more ruthless than them. Makes sense.

Then apply that to killing them though.

Torture is a sadistic act and prolonged.

I wouldn't be opposed to hanging, shooting or even stoning ISIS scum. But torture I have an issue with.

With that said I don't see how people say torture never works. You could torture me and verify what I say and I'd tell you everything I know.
OK, lets dig into this.

What if you know the guy has the info... Like Sheik Khalid Mohammed, or Bin Laden, or a child molester who has a kid locked up somewhere. Still unacceptable?

Who says he's giving you ACTUAL intel though?

If you're going to start torturing people u might as well pull their teeth out, strap them to a rack etc.

All in or not at all.
But if often times gives FALSE information, so what's the point?

You are correct. False confessions are an issue with any interrogation method. There are ways to verify the accuracy of information, however. The reason why waterboarding is more effective than other forms of interrogation is because it does not cause permanent harm or death. Because there is 0 damage to the prisoner, they can keep doing it until they get the correct information. Eventually everyone breaks.
Nay, I don't believe in torture. I believe it is demonic. I do believe in the death penalty for terrorists.

Old testament had same views.

Death by burning, strangulation, slaying via sword and stoning are permitted.
You are correct. False confessions are an issue with any interrogation method. There are ways to verify the accuracy of information, however. The reason why waterboarding is more effective than other forms of interrogation is because it does not cause permanent harm or death. Because there is 0 damage to the prisoner, they can keep doing it until they get the correct information. Eventually everyone breaks.

But you're wasting your time on the false confessions. There are many better and more efficient methods to get intel than ANY form of torture.
I think there's a pretty solid consensus that believes torture methods do not yield accurate information. The Secretary of Defense included. Oh yeah, and it's against international law too.
But you're wasting your time on the false confessions. There are many better and more efficient methods to get intel than ANY form of torture.

That's debatable. Not every situation or prisoner will respond to the same tactic. I don't think waterboarding should be the go-to tactic, but there are times it's the most effective thing to do. That being said, the OP is not about whether or not torture is effective. It was whether or not waterboarding is OK. I said I don't have an issue with it because it doesn't damage or kill the prisoner. As far as torture methods go, it's more humane than anything our enemies are doing.
No. Even Mattis said youre better off giving beer and cigarettes for information. I assume in the case of Muslims it would be beerboarding and cigarette burns. Fine doublespeak Mad Dog.
I only care if it works. I don't care about the morality of it. Warerboarding is child's play compared to what American military prisoners go through in other countries.
If war prisoners don't have any legal recourse, what is done to assure we don't waterboard innocents?
Nay. I think it's a violation of human rights, and doesn't accomplish what it is meant to. It may make our enemies hate us more, but it doesn't make them afraid of us, and I don't believe it leads to reliable information.