Was Your Thread Deleted, Moved or Merged? Ask about it here - Vol 4


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Mar 13, 2011
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For explanations about why a thread was deleted, moved or merged.

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So I made a thread speculating the future of Jon Jones if he loses to Gus, and gets suspended from fighting... which I think is a very valid discussion since it is most likely going to happen and with Jones' next suspension, his career is over.


I would like to inquire why it was moved to the wasteland. Is it because I threw a bit of humor into the op after the serious question?
Another important point that I raised is that I feel the UFC is just giving Jones a get-out-of-jail-free card to have him lose his hype to someone (particularly Gus in this case), and then they'd throw him under the bus.

I think that could be very true. Either way, I put humor in there with the gif cause I know millennials all have attention issues.

If someone could clarify, it would be great. Discussing the very likely future of a fighter here. Thanks.
So I made a thread speculating the future of Jon Jones if he loses to Gus, and gets suspended from fighting... which I think is a very valid discussion since it is most likely going to happen and with Jones' next suspension, his career is over.


I would like to inquire why it was moved to the wasteland. Is it because I threw a bit of humor into the op after the serious question?
Another important point that I raised is that I feel the UFC is just giving Jones a get-out-of-jail-free card to have him lose his hype to someone (particularly Gus in this case), and then they'd throw him under the bus.

I think that could be very true. Either way, I put humor in there with the gif cause I know millennials all have attention issues.

If someone could clarify, it would be great. Discussing the very likely future of a fighter here. Thanks.
Hi, Cooliox.

Thread was wastelanded as there was nothing of merit or material up for debate and your lighthearted recommendation for ring-boy aside, thread yielded but coke or Christian jokes and that of an erectile dysfunction spokesman or then film et cetera. With the oversaturation of Jones-related threads at present, the timing of your thread also falls prey to our readiness in keeping UFC Discussion newsworthy, conjecture-lite, and productive this weekend. Maybe he'd coach or enter into partnership with a Michelin-starred restaurant franchisor – either way, it's fantasy and that itself a long-time WL qualifier.

I appreciate your following up here and the content you contribute to the site is similarly appreciated. We hope you join us for the fights this Saturday night and weigh in with your thoughts.
Hi, Cooliox.

Thread was wastelanded as there was nothing of merit or material up for debate and your lighthearted recommendation for ring-boy aside, thread yielded but coke or Christian jokes and that of an erectile dysfunction spokesman or then film et cetera. With the oversaturation of Jones-related threads at present, the timing of your thread also falls prey to our readiness in keeping UFC Discussion newsworthy, conjecture-lite, and productive this weekend. Maybe he'd coach or enter into partnership with a Michelin-starred restaurant franchisor – either way, it's fantasy and that itself a long-time WL qualifier.

I appreciate your following up here and the content you contribute to the site is similarly appreciated. We hope you join us for the fights this Saturday night and weigh in with your thoughts.
Noted with thanks :)
Hello there,

Happy new year
I'm back on sherdog after a few days off.
My thread I started last week, a conversation with Dr Michael Forrest (a Cambridge biochemistry graduate) about Jon Jones' situation simply disappeared. It wasn't wastelanded or moved anywhere, it just disappeared.
I made a thread about Mayweather Vs tenshin. Titled something like 'ATTN: "it was fixed" guys'

I thought my post out and I feel it contained a valuable opinion and discussion point that hadn't been brought up in any previous thread/video/postcast etc. Regarding Japanese culture and my experience there.

I'm wondering why it was deleted? Can't even find it in the wasteland and have no alerts about it.

how long do dubs last? I got some dank thread ideas itching to go.
how long do dubs last? I got some dank thread ideas itching to go.
One month from when you received them. In your case, Jan 29th
Made a thread about free-will in the War Room and I can't find it now. Was there something wrong with it?
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Any explanation as to why my War Room thread about 2 women kicking a man (trans dude) out of the women's restroom they were in was dumped? I posted a news article with it as well.

Thank you-rip
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Any explanation as to why my War Room thread about 2 women kicking a man (trans dude) out of the women's restroom they were in was dumped? I posted a news article with it as well.

Thank you-rip

The frequency with which you make similarly themed threads, the isolated nature of the incident, your assumptions/conclusions about the incident, and the content of the thread. There was no discussion, only jokes and criticism directed at you.

Thanks for asking, I hope this helps you understand why it was moved.
" was moved to a different forum. Reason: Please refrain from making threads with headlines that do nothing other than upset or depress readers. "

Come on y'all can do better than that...

Mayberry is basically the new War Room, but my existential post is too insensitive?

You provided two sources to the same website. The website links to a story in the Irish Times that does not name the athlete in question. Until further information is released and the athlete in question is named, we are in the territory of speculation.
conor confirmed he had sex with the girl, but says it was consensual, instead of rape, this was from the European newspapers this morning. so, it was Conor who was arrested.
conor confirmed he had sex with the girl, but says it was consensual, instead of rape, this was from the European newspapers this morning. so, it was Conor who was arrested.
Neither the RAW story or the Irish Times story say any such thing about Conor making a statement.
Something that's super annoying: When mods delete a thread, the main Sherdog page still links to the the original post.

"Conor arrested today in connection with a sexual assault" has been linked to on the main page for over 24 hours.

It's been a problem for years. When a thread gets deleted, you guys need to delete the link on the main page also so we aren't following dead links to error pages.

And yes it's pretty obvious something is up with Conor, there's enough evidence out there at this point. Everyone is talking about it EXCEPT Sherdog. Sherdog is getting to be the place where you go for OLD news because everything has to be triple confirmed or whatever. Can't talk about it on on the Sherdog forums unless it's OLD news posted to the Sherdog front page.