War Room Lounge v174: My world is still rocked finding out Lincoln was the world's first fascist

Is Ska even?

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Seriously, for people whinging about stereotyping look up G-Gundam.

The Chinese pilot is a Shaolin monk with a Gundam that has dragon heads for arms and has the braid thing

The French has a Gundam with a Napoleon hat on it that uses a rapier and these flying roses that shoot lasers

The American Gundam is a boxer that wears a single bar NFL helmet

The Russian Gundam pilot is a prisoner whose machine has a Cossack hat that is overly strong, doesn't talk much, and uses a literal fucking ball and chain for his main weapon

The Japanese one uses a fucking sword and these crazy martial arts attacks

The Mexican one though is BY FAR the worst offender. Pilot is basically a refuge from the space colonies and his Gundam is called... wait for it. TEQUILA GUNDAM that wears a FUCKING SOMBRERO that shoots machine guns....

You want to talk stereotypes... look at Japanese fucking shows/cartoons and they give NO FUCKS.
@Kaliph of Kush I can't remember if you or someone else have also seen this show but whoever it was (maybe @Falsedawn ?) the fucking stereotypes in that show are hilarious.
I've seen G Gundam and I remember a lot of that stuff. Pretty much the only Gundam I ever watched. I was really young though, like so young I didn't know about any Spanish speaking country other than Mexico.

Shining Fingers was a really iconic finishing move. I thought all the Gundam series were like that after watching G Gundam but then i learned they have a bunch of boring realpolitik shit.
I have to agree with this. @Lead @Kaliph of Kush any way you guys can decrease the amount of merged threads? I get it when two threads are made on the same topic in fairly rapid succession, but these “Megathreads” are just terrible and confusing.
They're containment threads, not really meant to be super readable. If we didn't have them the front page would be flooded with redundant content. I think its the lesser evil but I understand the frustration because sometimes there are legit discussions around one of those topics that gets drowned out with all the merges.
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