Visions of Glory


Brown Belt
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score

CURRENT PROGRAM (As of October 24, 2011):
Sunday - Lower
Squats (Godsen)

Tuesday - Upper
SOHP (Godsen)
Pullups (Any variation)(Increasing total reps each cycle)
Weighted Pushups
Upper back work / Shoulder Prehab
Ab Work
Neck Work

Wednesday - Off

Thursday - Lower
Squats (Godsen) or Deadlifts
1-legged Squats
Back Extensions

Friday - Upper
SOHP (Godsen) or Paused Bench
Pullup (Godsen) or Row Variation
Arm circuit
Upper Back / Shoulder Prehab
Ab Work
Neck Work

Saturday - Off

Sunday - Off

The Godsen progression is slightly modified and looks like this:
Workout 1: 4x75%, 4x80%, 5x85%, 4x80%, 4x80%
Workout 2: 3x80%, 3x85%, 4x90%, 3x85%, 3x85%
Workout 3: 2x85%, 2x90%, 3x95%, 2x90%, 2x90%
Workout 4: Off (Deadlift, Bench, Row instead)

TMAGNUM FORUMS - Vision1's Training Log

GOALS: (not updated)
(to be achieved by the end of April 2010)
Squat: 335 ... completed (345)
Bench: 245 ... failed (235)
Deadlift: 500 ... completed (515)
Clean: 220 ... completed (230)
Pullups: 15 ... completed (15)

Age: 18
Height: 6'3
Weight: 190 lbs
Deadlift: 335 lbs
Bench: 165 lbs
Chinups in a minute: 12
Broad Jump: 2.39m

PERSONAL RECORDS (not updated):
Deadlift: 455x1 (Apr 15, 2008)
Back Squat: 255x5 (May 17, 2008)
Bench: 215x1 (Apr 2, 2008)
SOHP: 145x5 (Jun 11, 2008)
DB Row: 100x12 (Mar 31, 2008)
Front Squat: 235x2 (Jan 28, 2008)
Chinups in a row: 13 (Dec 24, 2007)
Broad Jump: 2.44m (Dec 24, 2007)
Last edited:
September 12, 2007

Weight: unknown, scale said I was more than 150+50, but less than 200.

DB Snatch: worked up to 80s for 2 reps each arm

Bench: 155x5, 155x2x4

Chinups: 8, 6, 6

Tricep pushdowns
Hammer curls
Ab circuit

September 14, 2007

WEIGHT: same as last time

Broad Jumps: 3x3

Front Squats: 155x4x5

RDLs: 205x3x10

Dumbell Dorsiflexion
Grip work
first thing that jumped out at me -> are you going to weigh yourself every day? don't be that guy...
Hey, nice log (that's what she said).

You are in the off-season for what?

Get ready for some criticism. People here can be pretty critical, but they know their stuff. I'll go first.

What does more than 150+50 but less than 200 mean?
Only 2 sets of bench?
Tricep pushdowns? Maybe try dips instead.

Also, what does your ab circuit consist of?
What kind of grip work do you do?

Congrats and welcome to Sherdog S&P
Hey, nice log (that's what she said).

You are in the off-season for what?

Get ready for some criticism. People here can be pretty critical, but they know their stuff. I'll go first.

What does more than 150+50 but less than 200 mean?
Only 2 sets of bench?
Tricep pushdowns? Maybe try dips instead.

Also, what does your ab circuit consist of?
What kind of grip work do you do?

Congrats and welcome to Sherdog S&P

Off-season is for lacrosse

I know about everyone being critical I've read many threads here.

The weight means that the scale at my school gym sucks. It's the type that you slide blocks of weight. so when I set it to 150lbs, and slide the top bar to 50, I'm heavier than that. But, if I just go to 200 and add on 0 I'm lighter. If that makes any sense.

It was 3 sets of bench, program called for 4, but it was my first day and I was taking it easy. Next workout should be 4 sets (and hopefully 4x5 of 155)

Program calls for some arm work which I don't mind (but I have changed the program slightly now I'll post it up (its on the off topic thread)). I'll try your suggestion for dips next time.

That day, the ab work I did was Leg raises, crunches, and prone bridge hold (plank). I can foreshadow criticism about not going heavy...

Grip work I did was plate pinchs and plate wrist curls. It was kind of unorganized. I really don't like plate curls so I'll be dropping those. I also really need that chalk cause the plates slip out of my hand. At my old gym (I just moved to university), they only had rubber coated plates which made pinching way easier. Before I could do two 25s or four 10s pretty easily. This time I couldn't even do three 10s. Probably why my grip limits my deadlift.
first thing that jumped out at me -> are you going to weigh yourself every day? don't be that guy...

What's wrong with that guy?

I won't be any more since the scale doesn't even work. I use to just weigh myself between sets when I had nothing else to do.
Quoted from other thread:

In case you want to know my program looks like this:

General warmup
Speed work

I have 2 upper body days and 2 lower body days but I only train 3 times a week.

Week1: L, U, L
Week2: U, L, U

This is what the weight section of my days look like:

Horizontal Press - sets of 3-6 reps
Vertical Pull - sets of 3-8 reps

Squat variation - sets of 3-6 reps
Post. Chain - sets of 6-10 reps

Vert Press - sets of 4-8 reps
Horizontal Pull - sets of 4-10 reps

Deadlift variation - sets of 3-5 reps
unilateral squat - sets of 6-10 reps

Extra is just working on any weakspots.
September 17, 2007

DB snatch: 80sx2x2, 85sx2
x2 means 2 reps each arm.

SOHP: 105x4x5
first time doing these in a long time. Weight was a little easy, going up to 115 next time.

DB rows: 60sx8, 70sx8, 75sx2x8
First time ever doing these. Normally I do BOR, cable rows, and inverted rows. I liked these.

Shoulder circuit (db raises)
Ab circuit (BW)

Snatches and Rows were done right hand first (keeping track so I can switch back and forth). Wednesday is deadlift day. I won't have chalk by then, but I'm going to try out a mixed grip for the first time.

Anyone know what causes a pot belly? Since coming to university and eating lots of shitty food my stomach is always expanded. I don't think I'm gaining fat though. Could it be caused by salty food (just a guess)?
I've been eating terrible food lately but I tried a little harder today to eat healthier.

Meal 1:
3 hardboiled eggs
2 bowls of cherrios

Meal 2:
2 servings of turkey pot pie
corn and green beans
1 bowl of turky chili

Meal 3:
1 bowl of beef stew

Meal 4:
chicken breast (a small one)


Meal 5:
cinnamon raison bagel
protein shake

Meal 6:
A small bowl of beef stew
half a muffin

meal 7:
mixed raw nuts
fish oils
My diet is turning to shit. Some days eating healthy at the caf is pretty much impossible. Would it be a bad idea to just let it happen and then cut down before season starts if needed (bodybuilding style)?

What I could do is just make sure I eat enough of the healthy stuff (protein, vitamins, fibre, efa's, etc.) and then eat what ever I can/want to fill up the rest of the calories.

Anyways, gym in an hour and it's deadlift day so I'm excited.
September 19, 2007

Broad Jumps: 3x3

Deadlifts: 315x4x3 (PR)
These were nice and easy. Tried mixed grip for the first time and it help a lot. I tried switching hands during mixed grip but I wasn't as strong at it. Should I worry about imbalances always doing deadlifts this way?

BB backwards lunges from box: 95x3x6
I didn't like these. Too much effort was put into balance, and with nike frees my toes of my back foot were being bent upwards too much. I prefer walking lunges but we can't take weights into the hallway (no idea why. there are lots of long empty hallways everywhere)

DB Farmer's Walks: 120sx2xlength of gym
Again, couldn't take out DBs so I had to do it around all the equipment. 120s are the largest DBs they have and I can tell are rarely used cause the knurling was very sharp and hurt my hand.

Hand resisted neck work
I can't help you at all on the diet. I don't know shit about nutrition.

Mixed grip is a helluva lot easier. As far as the imbalance goes, there was some discussion of it recently, and some people switch it up to avoid the imbalance. Others don't care. Of those who don't care, some have a small visual difference in their traps.

I can only mix my grip one way. The other way feels so wrong. Personally, I could give a flying fuck about the imbalance.

Also, get out into the S&P a little more and make yourself familiar. You'll get more people reading your log and get some more input.
I can't help you at all on the diet. I don't know shit about nutrition.

Mixed grip is a helluva lot easier. As far as the imbalance goes, there was some discussion of it recently, and some people switch it up to avoid the imbalance. Others don't care. Of those who don't care, some have a small visual difference in their traps.

I can only mix my grip one way. The other way feels so wrong. Personally, I could give a flying fuck about the imbalance.

Also, get out into the S&P a little more and make yourself familiar. You'll get more people reading your log and get some more input.

Will do.

I won't have time to go to the gym tomorrow, so I'm going today between classes. I'm dropping the DB snatches cause of the limited rest from yesterday.
September 20, 2007

Bench: 155x4x5
A bounce was used on the later reps, but I'm still increasing weight next time.

Chinups: 8, 8, 6, 6

Circuit: x3
-single leg raises
-BW reverse hypers
I was planning to go to the gym M,T,T,F this week, but I have too much homework to do today, and I'm very tired, so I'll go tomorrow.

I bought some loose chalk this weekend so I'll see how that works.

BTW, some goals for 2008 are: Dead 405, Bench 225
September 25, 2007

Front Squats: 185x5x3
Forgot to do DB snatches first, and by the time I was done, I felt to tired to do anything explosive.

RDLs: 245x2x8, 245x7
Chalk seemed to have helped. It was pretty messy though. I had it in a ziplock bag + 2 other bags so it kept most of it in the bag, but the chalk got in between the separate bags. Next time I'm sticking to same weight but going for 3x10

Side Bends: 65x12, 75x2x12

EDIT: just realized last time I did this workout I only used 205 for RDLs. I thought I used 225 which is why I increased the weight so much. Not that that's a bad thing...
September 27, 2007

DB snatches: worked up to 85x3x2

SOHP: 115x2x5, 115x4, 115x5, 115x4

DB Rows: 80x3x8
Not very strict

1 set of DB curls
Didn't want my back to be too sore for tomorrow's deadlift session so I dropped a set of rows and replaced it with curls

Ab/Neck Circuit x 3
September 28, 2007
Bad workout today...

Deadlifts: 315x5x3
DO grip was used + chalk. I didn't seem as strong as last time. Probably because of the snatches and rows yesterday. Grip felt very strong, but I think my back was slightly rounding.

Lots of different unilateral exercises:
I started odd doing BB bulgarian split squats, but that wasn't working, so I switched to DBs and that didn't work either. problem was the that bench was too high so trail leg had to bend way to much. Next I tried DB step ups, but the benches were too low for that, and my grip was getting tired before my legs. I finally stuck to 1 legged box squats with two 5 lbs DBs. ROM was still too little.

Cuban rotations
Here's my next week with the basics planned out:

M: Power cleans, FS 185x4x5, RDL 245x3x10
T: DB Bench, Chinups BWx4x8
T: Boxsquat jumps, Deadlift 315x4x5, 1-legged boxsquats
F: SOHP 115x4x6, DB rows 80x3x10
Do you work out at the PEC? Use the scale in the changeroom. You set the big block to a multiple of 50, then move the little slider until it's balanced, then add the number that the little slider is on to the multiple of 50.

Also, did you know that there is a real pair of farmer's handles kept there?