Video of bruce lee doing wing chun

Bruce Lee abandoned that shit because he realized it's crap.

If you know how to use it Wing Chun is pretty good in certain clinch situations. It's very subtle and more about directing the opponents movement by applying little force. I guess I would describe it as reactive aggresion, where it's more about hijacking your opponents flow. It's more about knowing when to use it, and as with any fighting style, what to use.

Most fighting styles can't be called entirely useless. There are some more effective than others but if a man knows how to kill you with a single chopstick, don't argue with him. Likewise, it's not a wise move to charge wielding nothing but a chopstick toward a man with a gun. A reference to "boxers" who think they can charge toward every wrestler and knock them out without considering ground work. You have to know how to create the openings you need to engage.