video claims NO martial art is effective against knife assailant

99% percent of knife attacks are going to be surprise attacks From a concealed weapon. And of those attacks I’d say nearly all will be after the assailant is already within a few feet of you. Your first awareness that you’re in a knife fight will be after he’s already upercutted you in the gut with it
Fairbairn's Timetable of Death
Brachial Artery - 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 14 sec - Death in 1 1/2 minutes
Radial Artery - 1/4" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 30 sec - Death 2 minutes
Carotid Artery - 1 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 5 sec - Death 12 sec.
Subclavian Artery - 2 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 2 sec - Death 31/2 sec
Heart - 3 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of consciousness Instantaneous - Death 3 sec
Fairbairn's Timetable of Death
Brachial Artery - 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 14 sec - Death in 1 1/2 minutes
Radial Artery - 1/4" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 30 sec - Death 2 minutes
Carotid Artery - 1 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 5 sec - Death 12 sec.
Subclavian Artery - 2 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 2 sec - Death 31/2 sec
Heart - 3 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of consciousness Instantaneous - Death 3 sec
i can tell you from experience that a heart shot does not cause instantaneous unconsciousness. Ive been unfortunate enough to see 2 individuals die of heart shots. One managed to immediately take cover and died from blood loss about 10 seconds later and was responsive up to that point. The other sprinted about 20 yards before piling up and also bleeding out.
99% percent of knife attacks are going to be surprise attacks From a concealed weapon. And of those attacks I’d say nearly all will be after the assailant is already within a few feet of you. Your first awareness that you’re in a knife fight will be after he’s already upercutted you in the gut with it
Passive defenses are preferable when prepping against ambush weapons.

I've always suggested stab/slash resistant clothing. Gives you the time to deploy whatever active measures one has.

A knife brandished has lost its edge.
i can tell you from experience that a heart shot does not cause instantaneous unconsciousness. Ive been unfortunate enough to see 2 individuals die of heart shots. One managed to immediately take cover and died from blood loss about 10 seconds later and was responsive up to that point. The other sprinted about 20 yards before piling up and also bleeding out.
Thank you for sharing that. Sorry you have that experience to share. Fairbaines table, in my opinion, has always just been more of a guide to give you an idea of how quickly you can incapacitate and or kill someone with a knife. To be fair to Fairbaine, he based his estimates on his own observations from fighting in WW1.
Thank you for sharing that. Sorry you have that experience to share. Fairbaines table, in my opinion, has always just been more of a guide to give you an idea of how quickly you can incapacitate and or kill someone with a knife. To be fair to Fairbaine, he based his estimates on his own observations from fighting in WW1.
he IS mostly spot on though. His data is pertinent in so far as you are trying to incapacitate an unawares person as quickly and with the least amount of noise or thrashing. if you can sneak up on an individual, a knife strike plunging at a 45 degree angle to neck will sever the carotid easily and if properly aimed so that the hilt of the knife strikes the base of the neck, will take out the subclavian artery and probably sever the brachial plexus as well. result, rapid blood loss, and inability to physically respond/defend ones self.
I would agree that no martial art is going to be very effective against a knife attack. But some would deal with it better than others.

For instance, all that Aikdo bullshit isn’t going to fucking work. Boxing or Muay Thai would likely be more effective. BJJ probably wouldn’t be that great as you would probably want to maintain some distance from your attacker.
theres no telling what can happen

but ill put my money on the knife

Knife beats Fedor

By armbar

See? That was an M Night Shamaylan twist at the end because you assumed the knife won by stabbing. But it armbarred him.
Depends. There is always a chance and cases of guys successfully defending or disarming a knife wielder. But the odds are heavily stacked against you, and far more cases of guys being killed.

Unless you absolutely have to fight the knife, escape if possible.
Against a knife it really is very possible to end up dead. And like a previous poster said, if your awareness is not there often you wont know about a knife attack until after the fact and then it may be too late.

But there may be situations you have to fight unarmed or are surprised so having some last resort tactics and methods are advisable.

Historically, people carried weapons so had an equalizer if for example someone pulled a pair of butterfly knives on them.


So really having a form of equalizer and training in using it combined with situational awareness is what it is about.
Knife fights are terrible the only REAL ART that works awesome with and bare handed against knives is phillipino knife fighting.

Fast no B.S. and realistic

But no way i would ever fight someone with a knife i think it is too dangerous and you always get cutt

I'm Filipino and I've personally seen such bullshit in Filipino knife fighting. Ask yourself if you are willing to bet your live and your family's with these knife fighting 'skills.'

Just because it looks awesome and the instructor is persuasive doesn't mean it has a high percentage of working.

Fairbairn's Timetable of Death
Brachial Artery - 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 14 sec - Death in 1 1/2 minutes
Radial Artery - 1/4" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 30 sec - Death 2 minutes
Carotid Artery - 1 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 5 sec - Death 12 sec.
Subclavian Artery - 2 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of Consciousness 2 sec - Death 31/2 sec
Heart - 3 1/2" below surface of skin - Loss of consciousness Instantaneous - Death 3 sec

Don't be too reliant on that data. I've worked ER before as a nurse on rotation, and have seen instances of human resilience. One got stabbed by an umbrella and grazed the pericardium and survived for nearly an hour before getting treatment, while another expired about 10 minutes after accidentally stabbing himself in the femoral artery while drunk.
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