Upcoming Presidential Assasination

If either wins, I predict an assassination attempt. There are videos on youtube about assassinating Clinton if she wins. And many talking about Trump
I don't think I could stomach Trump being hailed as some sort of martyr.
Fortunately, I don't think I'll have to worry about it...
So..there was an earlier thread about potential agents lurking around on Sherdog. I'm guessing TS is one of them. Shit I just said I won't be surprised if either gets assassinated..and now there's all these black vehicles outside my house...
Of course there will be assassination attempts. Loonies have tried to kill every president. What's the attempt count on Obama? Will one of them be successful? I highly doubt it, regardless of who wins this election or the next.

Will there be more attempts with this presidency. I think you could make an argument for that. But I don't think that results in a significantly increased likelihood of success.
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I smell the NSA in this thread.
Hes not my boy, I just despise Hillary.
Keep up the good shilling.
Oh no the emails... the emails.. she is the worst the emails...

Trump, rapes women.. avoids paying taxes.. wants to fuck his own daughter... cant tell the difference between Quds and Kurds.. wouldnt be able to point to Iraq on the map.. has no actual plans for america.. too busy filming his reality show... wants to fuck over anyone not making 250k + a year... thinks science is bullshit

But no, hillary and the emails.. wow she is the worst
attention CIA and NSA:

we don't know hit-n-run. he was never our friend.
Too late drones and demon assassins have already been dispatched.
Trump already asked "Second Amendment people" if they were going to.
He's about as irresponsible as you can get. If Hillary were assassinated it wouldn't surprise me at all, his supporters are deplorable.
It's all talk and although there are crazy people out there the service does a good job.
So how many of you think there will be an assassination attempt in the next presidential term? We've already had Trump supporters and even Trump himself saying people will take matters into their own hands. We have operatives on the left inciting violence at political rallies.

Welcome to the birth of civil war. I think one of these people will be assassinated which will be the spark that ignites the country into flame.

EDIT: Sad that I have to clarify but I I didn't say I want it to happen, I'm saying I think it will. There are people living in an alternate reality in this country that think it's falling apart and will probably act in a self fulfilling prophecy.
Ain't a damn thing happening...this ain't Mexico!
Same was said about Obama
The secret service has this
Based on what we have seen during this election the likelihood of Trump supporters trying to assassinate Hillary is FAR less than the opposite. Dems have shown themselves to be quite radical and violent.
I'm sure some people on both sides are thinking about it so the Secret Service is going to have to work over time. Personally if they haven't assassinated Obama, the first Black President of the United States, at this point (I hope it never happens; he has gotten this far) then the Secret Service has done a good enough job with security that I'm not too worried. Hillary Clinton is not nearly as threatening to Republicans as Obama ("the most liberal Democrat in the Senate who is a terrorist sympathizer and wasn't born in this country OMG!!!!"). She was a former first lady and if she wins will be the first female President. I think this is just talk by agitated Republicans who are worried that they are going to lose all power and brain-washed by Trump in to thinking the election is rigged.

I doubt it will happen. If it does happen there will not be a Civil War but there will probably be violence. At this point Trump has virtually no chance at winning so I'm not going to entertain the idea of a Trump Presidency any more. I will be relieved when CNN Projects Hillary Clinton as our next President but I don't sit around thinking about "What if he wins?" any more because his campaign has disintegrated.

So let the wingnuts be angry and talk about Civil War as much as they want. Most of them will get over it eventually.

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