Unleashing The Beast Within

Friday, February 9

Rower + SkiErg + AssaultBike

500m + 500m + 500m

DB Curl & Press
10/15/17.5/17.5's x8+8

Hang Power Cleans
80x6 x3

Bench Press
100 x3
112.5 x4
110 x3 x3
90 x10/12

Face Pulls
GRN x15 x3

A. Good Morning Squats
60/80/100 x8

B. Pull-ups
x12 x3

A. Incline Db Flies
10/15/17.5's x20

B. T's
5's x20 x3

C. Strict Sit-Ups
x10 x3

D. Roll-outs
x15 x3

Sore throat since Wednesday evening. Adductors are incredibly sore (probably from Wednesday's kettlebell swings). Left knee is still a bit sensitised (distal quad tendon insertion), left wrist has been a bit more painful the last couple of days, lower-back (particularly right side) is still stiff and sensitised (particularly to lumbar extension).
Insert American where you say Greeks and there you go. (to a lesser degree, that is).

What do you think about punishing those who's ancestors performed atrocities?
Insert American where you say Greeks and there you go. (to a lesser degree, that is).

What do you think about punishing those who's ancestors performed atrocities?
Punishment for something your ancestors did is illogical. Having to provide some sort of reparations could be perfectly reasonable, though.

Let's assume that your ancestors stole a bunch of gold from your neighbours, and proceeded to invest that in order to buy land, build houses, found enterprises, etc. A few generations later, you are born into riches but the grandchildren of the grandchildren of your neighbours are born into poverty. You have perpetrated no wrong, therefore there are no logical grounds for you being punished. But wouldn't it be fair for you to have to give part of your riches to your neighbours?
Punishment for something your ancestors did is illogical. Having to provide some sort of reparations could be perfectly reasonable, though.

Let's assume that your ancestors stole a bunch of gold from your neighbours, and proceeded to invest that in order to buy land, build houses, found enterprises, etc. A few generations later, you are born into riches but the grandchildren of the grandchildren of your neighbours are born into poverty. You have perpetrated no wrong, therefore there are no logical grounds for you being punished. But wouldn't it be fair for you to have to give part of your riches to your neighbours?

Investing into the community in order to provide some sort of environment to better empower those neighbors.
Monday, February 12

Rower + SkiErg + AssaultBike

500m + 500m + 1000m

Kettlebell Swings
20 x20 x3

DB Curl & Press
10/15/17.5/17.5’s x8+8

Hang Power Cleans
60/80/90 x3
100 x1 (left wrist pain)

A. Squat
80/100/120 x8 (last rep paused)

B. Face Pulls
GRN x15 x3

Bench Press
110/115 x2
105/103/103 x5

A. Good Mornings
60/80/80 x8

B. Ring Rows
x20 x3

A. Dips

B. Chin-Ups

A. Incline DB Flies
12.5’s x20 x3

B. W’s
5’s x20 x3

C. GHD Sit-Ups
x15 x3

D. Roll-Outs
x15 x3

Throat is still pretty shitty, been messing with my sleep and giving me trouble swallowing food.
Investing into the community in order to provide some sort of environment to better empower those neighbors.
It is a fair point that the form those reparations should take, in order to produce real benefit to those harmed, isn't necessarily handing out cash and can be a matter of discussion.

I guess my main point is that, while punitive punishment is definitely unreasonable, if you as an individual have significantly benefited from your ancestors' atrocities while the descendants of those harmed have been received some type of significant loss from it, then, assuming you are currently in a more advantageous socioeconomic position, then you do owe them some type of debt because their harm has benefited you. Therefore, you should be morally responsible to repair that damage, at least to an analogous degree than the benefit you received from it.
Wednesday, February 14

Rower + SkiErg + AssaultBike

500 + 500 + 1000 m

DB Curl & Press (both arms)
10/15/17.5 x10

A. Alternating Incline DB Press
17.5's x15+15
30's x10+10 x3

B. Ring Rows
x15 x3

100/120/140 x10

A. Ring Dips
x10 x4

B. Ring Chin-Ups
x10 x4

A. Lateral DB Raises
7.5/10/10's x20

B. Glute-Ham Raises
x12 x3

C. Ring T's + Y's
x10+10 x3

D. Strict Sit-Ups
x12 x3

E. Hollow Rocks
x12 x3

F. Seated Rounded-Back Good Mornings
20/30/40 x10

I've been doing the ring dips with a supinated lockout and it's still very challenging for me.
Friday, February 16

Rower + SkiErg + AssaultBike

500m + 500m + 1.000m

A. Kettlebell Swings
20 x15 x3

B. DB Curl & Press
12.5/15/17.5's x10+10

Hang Power Cleans
80/90/90 x5

A. Paused Bench Press
80/90/100/100 x6

B. Face Pulls
GRN x15 x4

Squat - last rep paused
100/120/140 x6

A. Ring Dips
x8 x3

B. Pull-Ups
x12 x3

A. Jefferson Curl
8/8/12 x3

B. Incline DB Flies
10/15/17.5's x20

C. T's
5/7.5/7.5's x20

D. Fitball Crunches
x15 x3

E. GHD Sit-Ups
x15 x3

A bit of low-back pain (in the swings and the hang cleans), some wrist pain, otherwise fine.
Saturday, February 17

Shoulder Resistance-Band Complex

x2 sets

2 sets of that complex actually takes more than a full hour to complete. But it seems to make my shoulders happy, so...
Monday, February 19

Rower + SkiErg + AssaultBike

600m + 600m + 1,200m

A. DB Curl & Press
10/15/17.5/17.5's x8+8

B. Kettlebell Swings
16/20/24 x20

Hang Power Cleans
80/90/95/95/90 x3

A. Bench Press
80/90/100/105/105/105 x5

B. Face Pulls
GRN x15 x4

100/120/140/150 x6

A. Ring Dips
x10 x3

B. Ring Chin-Ups

A. Seated Rounded-Back Good Mornings
20/30/40 x10

B. Incline DB Flies
10/15/15's x30

C. Strict Sit-Ups
x12 x3

D. W's
5's x30 x3

E. Roll-Outs
x20 x3

Left knee (distal quad tendon insertion) is still sensitised, but the pain goes away after a good warm-up, probably tendonitis/overuse. Meh.

Got a low-back spasm, this time on the left side, at the second 95kg set of hang power cleans, even though reps were pretty easy. I guess my low-back is generally a mess these days. Meh.

150kg for 6, with a pause at the last rep, was pretty easy even though I haven't been squatting any substantial weights in recent weeks. I'd probably have loaded the bar with 160, instead, if it wasn't for the low-back spasm.
Wednesday, February 21

Rower + SkiErg + AssaultBike
600+600+1200 m

A. DB Curl & Press
10/15/17.5's x10+10

B. KB Swings
16/20/24 x20

A. Alternating Incline Press
17.5's x15
30's x10 x2

B. Ring Rows
x18 x3

A. Deadlifts
100/120/140 x10

B. Squat Snatch-Grip Press
20 x10 x4

A. DB Bench Press - feet on bench
30's x15/15/18

B. Chin-Ups

A. Jefferson Curls
8/12/16 x5

B. Lateral DB Raise
10's x20 x3

C. Glute-Ham Raises
x10 x3

D. Ring T's & Y's
x10++10 x3

E. Fitball Crunches
x20 x3

F. Hollow Rocks
x15 x3

I'm generally trying adding some "weird ROM" exercises (namely seated rounded-back good mornings, Jefferson curls, ring dips with supinated lock-out and squat snatch-grip presses) to see how my body responds to them.

Bodyweight during training = 89 kg.
(late morning, no breakfast, just a bit of chocolate milk during the workout)
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Friday, February 23

Rower + SkiErg + AssaultBike


A. DB Curl & Press
10/15/17.5/17.5's x8+8

B. Kettlebell Swings
16/20/24 x20

Hang Power Clean
80 x5
90 x3
100 x2
110 x1
120 xF
100 x3 x2

Squat - last rep paused
100/120/140/160 x5

Bench Press
80/90 x5
100 x3
110 x2
120/125 x1
130 xF
110 x3/3/5
90 x10 paused

A. Good Mornings
40/60/80 x10

B. Pull-Ups

A. Ring Dips

B. Ring Chin-Ups

C. Face Pulls
GRN x18 x3

D. Seated Rounded-Back Good Mornings
20/30/40 x10

A. Incline DB Flies
10/15/17.5's x20

B. T's
7.5's x20 x3

C. Strict Sit-Ups
x12 x3

D. GHD Sit-Ups
x12 x3

I'm starting to get pretty fucking tired after these training sessions. I don't know if these are too much or if I'm getting old or what, but they're starting to seriously kick my ass in terms of general exhaustion for the next 24-48 hours.

@Aleks Sytsevich @NurseKnuckles I took this two days ago (Wednesday evening):
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I'm doing a 360 and promptly moonwalking the fuck out
Saturday, February 24

Shoulder Resistance-Band Complex

2 sets

I'm doing a 360 and promptly moonwalking the fuck out
They did ask for "nudez".
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You gotta spoiler those noodz or my gf is gonna think something weird is going ono_O

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