UK: the biggest threat to a young black male is indeed a young black male

Can anyone debunk this Russian propaganda for me? It's making me think that gangsta culture, not slavery or the white man's oppression, is the reason why too many black people (mostly young) are causing so much trouble all over the world.

In 2003 Lee Jasper, a race advisor to the London mayor, said drugs and gun crime were the "biggest threat to the black community since its arrival here".[4]

In 2007, after a series of murders committed by black people, prime minister Tony Blair attributed them to a distinctive black culture: "the black community (...) need to be mobilised in denunciation of this gang culture that is killing innocent young black kids. But we won't stop this by pretending it isn't young black kids doing it."[5] Some from the black community criticised his remarks.[6]

Racist crimes
In 2005-6, 1,543 victims of racist crime in Scotland were of Pakistani origin, while more than 1,000 victims were classed as being white British.[23]

The British Crime Survey reveals that in 2004, 87,000 people from black or minority ethnic communities said they had been a victim of a racially motivated crime. They had suffered 49,000 violent attacks, with 4,000 being wounded. At the same time 92,000 white people said they had also fallen victim of a racially motivated crime. The number of violent attacks against whites reached 77,000, while the number of white people who reported being wounded was five times the number of black and minority ethnic victims at 20,000

Pesky Russians.
hard to say it has nothing to do with race when blacks are enormously disproportionately represented in crime around the globe.

good thing europe is boating them in by the millions..
This stat, that black men are the biggest threat to black men, is often trotted out to imply the point that society can't racist if minorities are actually their own greatest threat or that anti-racism campaigns are misguided or addressing the wrong issue. But let's look at it another way.

Many urban centers are segregated along class and racial lines. Even into the 90s there were cases of desegregation in the housing sector in the US so its not that far into the past. And even absent current discrimination there are the effects of racist housing policies from the past that might continue to have ripple effects today in segregating these neighborhoods. If you pack a group of people into densely populated urban areas its inevitable that they would primarily victimize each other than other groups simply because of their proximity to one another.

Then of course if you add in economic inequality, which some studies suggest correlates with violence and which has risen in most of the world over the last few decades, then you generate circumstances in which violence becomes more likely. So its not surprising then that the biggest threat to black males are other black males. So the issue isn't individual racism against these communities, its the larger context of these cities which helps to generate this pattern of crime.

All that said, I'm commenting from the perspective of the US so some of this doesn't necessarily translate to the UK.