Media UFC-president Dana White catches a FedEx worker on a bad day

I guess you could make an argument that I've been hypocritical in that I could have shown more patience to the posters whom I am addressing in this thread. But I don't think my initial post is inflammatory or mean spirited. Like, you think I'm mad because I used the word "dork"?

If you're as impartial as you claim to be on this topic then I'm not sure why you responded to my initial post with a personal attack. If that was the case, then I was never addressing you or willfully misinterpreting you as you claim. We wouldn't have anything to disagree on. Doesn't that make it projection on your part?

I haven't made any arguments against personal responsibility. If I was to hypothetically happen upon this situation as some kind of internal firing report from FedEx, I wouldn't bat an eye. (ie
employee gets caught on camera doing something negligent and is punished) It's annoying to me when my own coworkers are lazy and create work more for me.

What I am arguing against is a powerful man using his power to get another man fired and for others to celebrate this. That I am not a fan of. This is where I am calling for kindness, I'm not sure how you got the impression that I was tieing it to work ethic. How would that make any sense at all?

If you don't think everyone's life is hard then I suppose we just disagree on that. I feel that suffering is just a part of being human.

I don't see how you could fairly judge this man's work ethic from this one video. Maybe he has been an exemplary employee for every other single minute of his working career. Maybe he knew that this package wouldn't be susceptible to any damage. Like I said before you can't know the context.
Dude I don't know how you can still argue this with anyone lol. The guy's in the middle of a busy NYC street fucking tossing packages into the back of a Fedex Truck. Literally ANYONE could have recorded him doing so and showed it to Fedex and turn getting him fired. This guy getting fired had absolutely nothing to do with the person filming being Dana. We've seen tons of video's of rando's online recording employee's doing dumb shit and getting them fired for it.

It doesn't matter if the dude was a model worker every minute up until he was tossing packages into the truck. It's what he's doing in that moment is what people care about. Do you think people are thinking, "He's probably just having a bad day" while watching a cop using excessive force to arrest someone? "You don't know that cops struggle bro, for all you know that cop could have known that guy was strong enough to take his head bouncing off the pavement like that". If you can realize how stupid what I'm saying sounds there's no real reason why you can't see how equally stupid what you're saying is.
if everyone were filmed, we'd be short of workers fast
Most jobs you are getting filmed all the time and it shouldn't matter..just work hard and be a man and do the job you agreed to do to the best of your ability.
Package delivery has a 70-90% turnover rate. Lmao at all the dipshit Karens crying for this dude to get fired. I can almost guarantee he has another (better) job lined up.
Imagine going up to a Mcdonald's worker and expecting 5 star service as if that shit is anything but a dead end low paying job.
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I feel bad because that is the way they load the trucks. They build a fake pretty wall in front then toss all the packages behind it. There is no way someone can stack at a rate of roughly 800-1000 packages an hour without taking shortcuts. You don't get help and there is no ramp for him to walk up. It's pretty much going to be toss everything inside or else he can't make the quota. The company knows this is happening too.
FedEx is shit for this exact reason. I don't even blame the guy tbh but that's why I hate when packages come via FedEx because they absolutely suck and everyone knows it but there's never any consequences for the company. They'll fire this guy but refuse to address the root causes and it just goes on and on.
Eh, I worked for UPS in college. If the packages were light I don't really think it's as bad as it looks. Now if you can feel something on the heavy side or something that's moving around with some weight inside then yeah that's pretty bad and the package could pop open and spill the contents.

He's an idiot picking them up one at a time. He could have loaded them all in in about 3 or 4 armloads without having to throw them.
Retail workers used to buy ranch houses in the 50 and 60's, Auto workers owned summer home and boats.

The house my dad bought right out of college just sold for 800k, you would need like 3 or 4 new engineering grads to afford that today.
In the late '90s I was in a short-lived rock band with a factory worker who'd just relocated from Buffalo and drove a Porsche.
BTW this is nothing compared to the Amazon delivery driver who actually reported someone for their automated doorbell making a racist remark. The"racist remark" was the doorbell saying something along the lines of "hello, how may I help you?" and the dude was wearing headphones anyway. Because of him the guy's Amazon smarthome was remotely shut down for a week--and to top it off the guy who got reported was black. This was a thing that actually happened and reported by mainstream media.
He's an idiot picking them up one at a time. He could have loaded them all in in about 3 or 4 armloads without having to throw them.

I don't disagree. If you were sorting them to different locations makes sense to do them one at a time, but clearly they're going to the same sorting facility. Just pointing out that it's a super common thing in the package delivery process, he's just stupid for doing it so carelessly in public.
If you saw someone in a restaurant pissing on someone else's food, you'd just think "not my problem"?

He didn't "snitch" on him anyway. It's not like he got the guy's truck number and called fedex to report him, and he wasn't even the one filming. They thought it was funny to see someone so flagrantly not giving a fuck about other people's stuff, so whoever he was with did what everyone else in the country does and pulled out his phone to film and laugh about it.

If it was something the fedex driver was trying to keep secret, maybe the middle of the street in NYC in broad daylight isn't the best place to throw people's stuff around.
pissig on someone food is a sanitary concern and i def wouldn't eat at that restaurant in fear of it being done to me too, and it's really not even the same thing at all since pissing on the food is not in the job description, loading the packages in the truck is, he's just doing a bad job at it, he doesn't do it maliciously to fuck with people
a broken package? that happen to me maybe twice in my life, in about two click on my phone and one minute of my time i got a refund/ reship and that was it. And i sure don't wish some detective was there to film the person responsible and got him fired

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