Tyson's Mao Zedong Tattoo

Either you are trolling or you have been effectively trolled.

There are not 60 million deaths indirectly attributable to Mao. There aren't 1 million deaths directly attributable to his regime. Whether there are any more than a few thousand deaths directly attributable to him isn't really clear. But whatever YouTube video told you "Mao killed 60 million people" wasn't very good at math or biology. It's also a Western invention to blame the leaders of poor countries for the effects of being poor and going through a revolution. We don't blame George Washington for "directly killing millions" because of the casualties of the Revolutionary War, the displacement of English gentry, the death of slaves who were kept captive under the 3/5th rule, the Indians who were killed in the late 18th century, premature births due to poor sanitation in 18th century Boston, etc. He was a revolutionary during a time of violence, poverty and social revolution in America--you don't expect those things to not have a price. He is remembered for how he traversed that environment--which is very well, and better than Mao did in China, but hardly without human loss of life.

There was massive death during the 30 or so years that Mao was in power. There were also massive deaths in the 30 years or so before he took power. In both cases, that was mainly from starvation, secondly from civil war and a distant third was from direct political action, which may or may not have followed Mao's directives (or, in many cases, may have been the result of abuses by local politicos with a grudge). Most Americans have been taught to blame the deaths that occurred during the famines and the civil war on Mao. Most Chinese were taught to blame those deaths on the Western powers (like America) who were trying to foment revolution and isolate China to the point of starvation to break the will of the most powerful ex-colony in the world. Most Chinese, at least older Chinese, respect Mao. Most Americans, particularly older Americans, hate Mao. Many disenfranchised Americans like imprisoned Mike Tyson tend to discount the traditional American narrative on anything and will find the Chinese narrative more appealing. (America didn't care about Chinese lives, America doesn't care about African-American lives, etc.)

My personal opinion (not that it matters) is that Mao was an idealist who let his idealism lead to bad policy, in some cases disastrous policy (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, elevation of the Gang of Four) in the pursuit of a just (or at least understandable) cause (elevating China from an impoverished, colonized country into a world power in charge of its own destiny), He deserves some of the blame--not "directly killed" type of blame but some blame in allowing bad policies to be implemented and political activist to go unchecked--in the casualties that were accrued during his reign. He also deserves some credit in setting China on a path to ultimately achieve its status as a world power.

Legit. :) Yes, Mao was an idealist and Mike likes the way he thinks.

"Every Communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

"Man must conquer Nature"

^ No surprise why Tyson would gravitate toward someone like mao. 2 bad asses. lol.
Yea, he's got one of Che. But Mao's a hero to nobody (except apparently Tyson). Mao's a cross between Kim Jong-Il and Stalin.

that's a bunch of propaG. that they feed you in the west. He took a nation of opium addicts and lifted his nation to become the next up and coming super power. Never has a country lifted so many people out of poverty and brought education to as many people as as Mao and China has. So break some eggs along the way, but he sure made the omlette as well.
People forget even in our own country, with 1/5 the people, we still have 16million kids who do not have access to adequate amount of food, let alone proper medical care... 46.5 million people, almost a 6th, maybe 7th of the population living below the poverty line. This doesn't include illegals.

Our own country was still going through the industrial revolution 100 years ago where kids were working in factories, losing fingers and limbs, dying in huge factory fires. We had the dust bowl with huge famine. And our country is more than 100 years ahead of disorganized, rural China.

This is in the capitalist power house, strongest, richest country in the world too (America that is).
I think the adoration is there because he gave something to the world.. and then he became vulnerable and in need of the world giving something back...

and I think the fact that a lot of people did give back is what has helped Tyson become some what of a "dont do what I did" role model instead of a guy that died young and left a myth that some people would aspire to imitate.

This is a very good comment
that's a bunch of propaG. that they feed you in the west. He took a nation of opium addicts and lifted his nation to become the next up and coming super power. Never has a country lifted so many people out of poverty and brought education to as many people as as Mao and China has. So break some eggs along the way, but he sure made the omlette as well.

all govt.s are evil, all of them. I don't know what the stats would be if you did a body count by nation but it wouldn't be good. the us, with it's involvement first with the indian wars, then with the stupid wars in korea, Vietnam and now the middle east have killed quite a few people too.
There aren't 1 million deaths directly attributable to his regime. Whether there are any more than a few thousand deaths directly attributable to him isn't really clear.

Of course there are. Specialists warned him plenty of the effects of the Great Leap Forward, and he carried on. Not to mention that he was quite aware of many of the brutal policies of this movement, and in fact supported and initiated many of them.

Chairman Mao is also offended by you not giving him his due

Mao said:
He buried 460 scholars alive; we have buried forty-six thousand scholars alive... You [intellectuals] revile us for being Qin Shi Huangs. You are wrong. We have surpassed Qin Shi Huang a hundredfold.