Trump's white house close advisor, kushner the corrupt! time to resign?

Can you rightwinghers come up with something original? I mean XYZ president derangement syndrome is soo last decade.
That little punk and Ivanka need to disappear from the White House. He looks like a haunted child in every single photo.
You clowns are the THE joke.

Ahaha I really don't understand what you're even defending.

The White House is empty and people are leaving or removed day by day.

How are you proud of this? I really don't get it. There is no way you voted for this type of behavior
That's the liberal strategy. Right? Manufacture a scandal, then make up a new one when the one before it doesn't pan out.

Oh wait, but this one will lead to impeachment for sure!

Mueller has 3 Trump campaign folks in the bag already, Trump's former campaign manager is a dead man walking, another former advisor had a mental breakdown across cable TV 2 days ago about not testifying against his father figure and captain Wikileaks Roger Stone (who also was a part of Trump's campaign), and yet another former advisor, Erick Prince, is now fucked with George Nader cooperating with Mueller.

But yeah clownstick, fake scandal!

Ahaha I really don't understand what you're even defending.

The White House is empty and people are leaving or removed day by day.

How are you proud of this? I really don't get it. There is no way you voted for this type of behavior
Can you rightwinghers come up with something original? I mean XYZ president derangement syndrome is soo last decade.

As a country, I think we're grossly overlooking Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome.
These Trumptards know he is in YUGE trouble.

I mean his own campaign manager is going to jail likely for the rest of his life. HIS FREAKING CAMPAIGN MANAGER.

Over 30% of his appointees have either been fired or quit and numerous others have been indicted. The web is closing more and more every day. Oh and btw,


As you probably know, Trump's lawyer is now saying he hasn't been paid back by Trump yet. LOL the prick even stiffs the guy that covers up all his shit for him. I wonder what that guy will do about it.

I think Mueller doesn't want to indict Kushner until he can also indict Trump so as to not tip him off. That's probably wishful thinking, but with so many dirty people around Trump, how likely is it that Trump himself isn't in it up to his neck?
One thing I'll give Drumpf- he brings the ruckrustle
That's the liberal strategy. Right? Manufacture a scandal, then make up a new one when the one before it doesn't pan out.

Oh wait, but this one will lead to impeachment for sure!

I assume you are stupid, so this may be news to you. Kushner isnt the president. Liberals are more than happy that everyone around the actual president goes to jail too.
Posts by Trump supporters in this thread addressing the actual topic of Kushner, his businesses or the SEC: 0

Can we clarify what trolling is and then get this thread back on track? I understand wanting a balance in the opinions represented, but this is one of those cases where the intent to derail is clear and no opinions on the topic are even offered. So what's being preserved here?