Trump's white house close advisor, kushner the corrupt! time to resign?


Green Belt
Nov 23, 2009
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"The Securities and Exchange Commission last year dropped an inquiry it was making into financial firm Apollo Global Management shortly after it agreed to loan Jared Kushner’s family’s business $180 million."

" Jared Kushner's family-run real estate company tried to seek Qatari government financing for its troubled New York City property a month before Kushner backed a blockade on the Gulf kingdom"

So much dirt on this guy, yet he's one of the persons Donnie trust the most, he's just draining the swamp! Right? Tell the commission to back off a company after just getting a 180m loan. Using his power to get back on Qatar government. If we dig up how much more could we found on that cunt Ivanka to?
Kushner is a scumbag but I can't believe he got the SEC to drop an investigation.

Commission membersEdit
Main article: Securities and Exchange Commission appointees
Non-partisan, no more than three Commissioners may belong to the same political party. The President also designates one of the Commissioners as Chairman, the SEC's top executive. However, the President does not possess the power to fire the appointed Commissioners, a provision that was made to ensure the independence of the SEC. This issue arose during the 2008 presidential election in connection with the ensuing financial crises
Kushner is going to get charged by Mueller anyway, so really it's just a waiting game.
This is it! It's all over for Drumpf!

It's not it, there is always more, and more, and more.

It's not it, there is always more, and more, and more.

That's the liberal strategy. Right? Manufacture a scandal, then make up a new one when the one before it doesn't pan out.

Oh wait, but this one will lead to impeachment for sure!
These Trumptards know he is in YUGE trouble.

I mean his own campaign manager is going to jail likely for the rest of his life. HIS FREAKING CAMPAIGN MANAGER.

Over 30% of his appointees have either been fired or quit and numerous others have been indicted. The web is closing more and more every day. Oh and btw,
