Trump vs Europe: Americans forgetting where they roots are

I don't think this is a persuasive argument. Maybe talking about allies and the cost of doing these kinds of things to the average American might be smarter.
Americans, by and large, are too jingoistic to understand and parse with reasoned, rationale discourse. It is literally the reason Trump is president right now. Americans only respond to negatives. I.E, they love voting for Republicans until the economy nose dives, their sons are dying overseas, and they cant find work or healthcare. Then they vote Democrats in for a few years to tighten things up, and soon as things start to get good, its back on the GOP fail train again.

some shit never changes.
Oh, the White House commerce Secretary was out talking yesterday. He said they didn't expect to blow up the world with trade wars. I suspect that is likely true. Time will tell though. America has a problem with some of our trade. Most frequently China is the main trouble maker it is pointed out. How to address China though is often mentioned as to hopefully be a joint project between America and Europe.

I suspect also most of the worst case scenario fear talk is coming from the press.
Yeah, not like they fought a war to get away from those roots or anything.

It´s not like americans are always talking about their Irish/italian etc roots despite never have visited in 3+ generations lol. "The old country" and all.