Trump Secures Release of Human Rights Workers in Egypt

Egypt plays nice with Israel and Saudi Arabia so its cool for the neocons

Is it all Neocons, whatever that means? Political monikers aside, looking at the map it seems Egypt is strategically located near a shipping choke point, while Syria not so much. Could some of it be that do you think? That and the fact they Already had Egypt on the dole?

I'm speculating here, and I don't watch the news, but given the lack of insider info into the decision process, maybe plausible?

Gotta be about protecting assets and business?

Is it all Neocons, whatever that means? Political monikers aside, looking at the map it seems Egypt is strategically located near a shipping choke point, while Syria not so much. Could some of it be that do you think? That and the fact they Already had Egypt on the dole?

I'm speculating here, and I don't watch the news, but given the lack of insider info into the decision process, maybe plausible?

Gotta be about protecting assets and business?


Syria could be an asset too, if the US wasnt so beholden to pleasing Saudis and Israel as much as it does.

The US could play all 3 regional powers against themselves creating detente while selling arms to all in exchange for oil.
The US could play all 3 regional powers against themselves creating detente while selling arms to all in exchange for oil.

You sound like an Arms Dealer!
It would be a shame if /r/all saw this!