Training with ringworm


White Belt
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
My ringworm is almost gone now, its just a faint red circle, if i completely cover it with athletic tape would it still spread? (its just below my knee)

*Im not trying to hide it IMO, just stop it from spreading onto my training partners. I will of course tell them i have it before rolling
I would imagine 90% of everyone who responds to this thread to say not to train until it is completely gone. Me personally, if I was training and someone told me they had ringworm I would still roll with them. Ringworm isn't a big deal.
I would imagine 90% of everyone who responds to this thread to say not to train until it is completely gone. Me personally, if I was training and someone told me they had ringworm I would still roll with them. Ringworm isn't a big deal.
LOL, are you serious we had a dude whose ringworm spread to his hands and legs from his feet. It took him 2 months to recover and be cleared to roll. I dunno if he treated it well but I would ask a doctor if it was ok before you roll.
LOL, are you serious we had a dude whose ringworm spread to his hands and legs from his feet. It took him 2 months to recover and be cleared to roll. I dunno if he treated it well but I would ask a doctor if it was ok before you roll.

Heres how I look at it, I get it either way. So whether or not I am consciously doing so really doesn't make a difference to me. I'm willing to bet, at any one time someone has it or it is on the mat.
Everyon knows tape prevents the spread of infectuous diseases.
Rolling for a year in my dojo, no ringworm(knock on wood). You need a dojo that keeps cleaning mats and good hygiene, I shower pre and post Bjj classes.
Rolling for a year in my dojo, no ringworm(knock on wood). You need a dojo that keeps cleaning mats and good hygiene, I shower pre and post Bjj classes.

Showering before rolling actually puts you more at risk. Just fyi.
Rolling for a year in my dojo, no ringworm(knock on wood). You need a dojo that keeps cleaning mats and good hygiene, I shower pre and post Bjj classes.

Showering pre jiu-jitsu washes protective oils from your skin. Definitely shower as soon as possible after though.

As far as the original poster... Based on your description it's hard to tell. It could be gone and pink from minor scaring, or you may still have it. How long have you been treating it? How have you been treating it, and how long has it been since it itched?
I'd be pissed off knowing you were on the mats with ringworm. I know you want to train, but that's selfish.

Ballistics, stop being a dirty bastard.
I wouldn't care. Typically just tape/bandage it up and keep trucking. Wear a long-sleeve? spats? etc.
As long as you can cover it up fully (with clothing preferably), I wouldn't complain. If I seen it on someone I was rolling with though, I'd probably be like "WTF!?".
Rolling for a year in my dojo, no ringworm(knock on wood). You need a dojo that keeps cleaning mats and good hygiene, I shower pre and post Bjj classes.

You haven't been training long enough. It WILL happen, accept it, treat it, and skip class until it clears up. That way it won't spread to everyone else in the gym and make it's way back to you.
Ive been treating it for 12 days, there is still a pink ring there however the skin is not raised and feels smooth when touched, there hasnt been any itching for about a week, thoughts?
The bit about the skin being smooth wasnt entirely true, the skin is sort of flaking :L however its not raised
Just make it known.. whoever doesn't want to roll with you because of the worm, won't.
i'd wait until its gone
generally they say that you should continue treatment 7 days after visible symptoms
there will always be someone with it, so by you skipping class so people dont catch it seems abit pointless