Training Paleo

Breakfast- 2 eggs
Lunch- ground turkey,zucchini
Dinner- chicken breast
Snacks- beef jerky, 2 avacados

Training- none
Breakfast- 4 slices bacon, 2 omega 3 enriched eggs
Lunch- about 8 oz chicken breast, spinach
Dinner- about 3/4 lb of top round roast.
Snacks- some prosciutto and salami, 2 squares dark chocolate

I took the advice and cooked 2 2lb top round roasts. I had been making jerky once a week and will make more, but I go through it so fast I figured I might as well make a roast instead because it will be gone in 3 days.

On a side note, my coworkers were amazed to see me eating about 2/3 lb of ground turkey for lunch the other day. It's not that much food but people aren't used to seeing someone eat a large portion of meat as their entire lunch while they eat personal sized pizzas and sandwiches. I don't get hungry in the late afternoon at work anymore and more importantly I don't feel like I need to take a nap after lunch anymore. I eat a large lunch of 3/4 meat, 1/4 veg usually and I feel energized to push through the second half of my workday instead of slowed down like a used to feel post lunch.

Today I found avocado oil potato chips and I'm very excited to eat them. Not totally paleo but they have nothing but potatoes, avocado oil and sea salt so I won't feel too guilty about eating them.

Breakfast- 2 chicken sausages
Lunch- roast beef, zucchini
Dinner- 2 chicken sausage

training- none
Breakfast- 4 chicken sausage, onion and peppers
Dinner- 1 lb beef brisket, cabbage, eggplant

Training- squats, bench press, deadlift
Breakfast- beef brisket and 3 eggs
Lunch- salmon, grilled veggies, sweet potato
Dinner- El Pollo Loco. 3 pieces chicken, steamed veggie, sweet potato fries
Snacks- roast beef

Training- none

The El Pollo Loco sweet potato fries are definitely not gluten free. They have some weird batter coating on them and they still aren't crispy. I definitely feel some bloating and gut irritation from having a small amount of gluten in my system. I used to feel like this on a regular basis and I thought it was just normal until I completely cut gluten out of my diet and stopped having any problems.
I'm already bored with keeping a diet log so at his point I am just going to update prediodicaly. I'm not weighing, measuring or counting calories just sticking to certain food choices and eating as much as I want so what's the point of logging every meal anyways?

Yesterday I had a cheat meal. I went to Hawaiian BBQ with some co-workers and I had a salad with chicken and Italian dressing. I am pretty sure the chicken was marinated in soy sauce so I consider that a cheat because of the gluten. That's about as bad as my cheats have been in the first 2 months. I ate out for Chinese and Thai and I'm sure I had some soy sauce but no rice, noodles, etc and I had a little gluten and dairy at my Thanksgiving meal. Other than that I have not cheated the gluten free, dairy free, legume free, rice free plan I have been sticking to and I haven't had any real desire to. Recently I started drinking coffee again and been doing it 1/2 and 1/2 with coconut milk and it's delicious.
I trained at a gym with proper Olympic weights for the first time in over 2 years last night. I was benching 15 lbs over my body weight and I never could even bench my body weight in the past. Did a 5x5 bench, back squats and deadlifts going for 85% max weight. I am really sore today but ready to hit the weights again tomorrow and probably Monday and Muay Thai on Tuesday.