Toxic Beliefs that you have Let Go/Trying to let go

I used to believe in a fictional being called God does that count?
I used to believe in a fictional being called God does that count?

Imo, there isn't a god, as in the traditional bearded man in the sky telling you not to masturbate.

"God" is a concept. The idea that we all come from a single source. Accessing and talking to god, is connecting to the knowledge/consciousness of "the universe".

Not everything is quantifiable and "Newtonian". Consciousness, the spirit, dreams, genius ... where does this come from?
That money doesn't buy happiness; it does.

I think not having money can make your life suck.

But once you earn a comfortable wage, having any more is not going to make that much of a difference. And can in fact, be the ruin of some people.
I question a lot of things that I've believed for a long time. I just got some advice from someone that was totally wrong (but inconsequential) because they believe things are the way they were 20+ yrs ago.

I'll throw out two things:

1. You should push to get your children into the best schools that you can (I'm think more about about University). Studies show that people have MUCH better careers graduating at the top of their class from a tier 2 school than struggling to keep up in the bottom quartile of Harvard (or other equal schools).

2. When i was a teenager i thought Israel was the bad actor in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. I don't believe that at all anymore. Not to say that everything Israel does is egalitarian (far from it) but I understand their position much better now and find myself supporting Israel - if not strongly.
I hate people. A lot. I also think most people are generally stupid, and live passionless, wasteful lives. I feel a special nihilism toward the lives of most people, that their lives are not only without meaning, but also just "clutter" that gets in the way of an otherwise meaningful world. I've lived kind of a dark ugly life and to this day, I can't shake it. I don't talk about it, because we all know nobody cares, and I am no whiner.
only people that believe money doesnt by happiness are poor people.

Money buys a happiness only poor people understand.

Where I come from, EVERY poor person understands that whatever pain you have - hunger pains, being outside in winter, being thirsty, being ill, etc., can be solved through money and not having money means no solution for the issue. Poor people generally accept that money doesn't give you "genuine perfect joy" but this is an exaggeration. It gives you a different joy, called "Security". This is based on Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; in short, the first needs you have are your immediate security needs and money is the current world solution for those needs. When you've got your bills paid, and you aren't worrying that buying food today might mean my car runs out of gas on the way home from work and then I am screwed...

Money buys a happiness only poor people understand.
Someone should offer a good amount of money to those poor happy people and see how many of them would reject it so they don't compromise their "happiness".
They have also surveyed Nordic countries with a developed nation living standards (albeit high taxes) but higher social cohesion. Same deal, more happiness.

As noted, this is all super subjective.
1. The world is going to end:

I remember actress Daisy Ridley being asked whether she would be in future Star Wars movies, her reply was "I don't know, the world might end soon, who knows?"
Well she did star in episode 8 so the star wars world kinda ended
That money doesn't buy happiness; it does.

Freedom brings happiness and debt is a prison. You can have a lot of money but be in a lot of debt.

Having the financial freedom to do the things you love and focus on what is important in life is key. And having survived a deadly illness has made me reflect on that and for me it's time with friends and family that matters most. That and being honest with how I feel about people and tell them.
that I can make everyone happy. I kill myself trying to please everyone around me.

I suffer from the Messiah Complex (to a lesser extent) and find myself overinesting myself in other people's problems.
On the having stuff front, having memories of good times is better than having stuff. Plan more vacations and trips and spend time with friends and family rather than buying stuff.

Also, live in the now a little bit. Enjoy your time now rather than working yourself near to death so you might be baller later.

Read a book.
I used to believe that most people are equal.

I know now that there are shit-hole countries with shit-hole cultures and shit-hole people.
Yeah, I used to believe that one should abide by such rigid doctrines and rules to govern their choices in any situation.

Really, it all depends on the situation. For instance, regarding the one where your opponent is cheating to win, in some situations I would rather lose than compromise my integrity. Like playing monopoly with kids or something. Or there may be a situation where even though someone is playing dirty, I can still beat them. But when my opponent is maybe a corrupt manager at work, trying to fuck with my livlihood, I would be willing to fight dirty.

The point is, deciding ahead of time that this or that way is how you want to handle all the different situations and choices you will have to make in life is stupid. It’s lazy. You’re basically trying to make it so you don’t have to think critically ever again because you’ve already decided ahead of time that in any situation “the gloves will come off,” or that you “won’t fight dirty.” Each different situation should dictate your course of action. Otherwise, you aren’t applying what you learned. You’re life’s equivalent of a guy standing in an assembly line, screwing legs into chairs forever.
I used to believe that hard core conservatives came from a place of hate, and far left liberals came from a hippie type place of love. But now I see that Conservatives are fiscally more responsible, albeit somewhat harsh. But liberals have more hate than anyone and are emotionally not capable of handling people that have different views. I truly believe that the middle is the majority.
Excellent post, man. As a 27 year old I've been learning a lot of these things myself.

You might actually dig my podcast I just started. Not trying to just shamelessly plug it, but it is kinda related .

Listen to this episode of my podcast, Into The Fray, Once more...
Giving your podcast a listen right now.

My condolences to you and your wife for your tragic loss. I hope you are able to experience fatherhood again.
I let go of the pursuit of happiness. I realized that there is no true happiness; rather, you can just avoid certain things in your life that make you unhappy. Thereby leaving only pleasant things around you that, by default, make you happy. It's a small semantic jump. It involves removing toxic things and people from your life.