Tokian's Heavybag Rounds for MT:


Doctor of Doom
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Feb 22, 2005
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Tokian's old Heavybag Rounds for MT write-up (with my leg-strength routine added).

Tokian's Heavy Bag Rounds for Muay Thai.

This post is a variation of the thread by King Kabuki called "Heavy Bag Rounds 101: (for Boxing) " .

I took his layout for boxing, and molded it into a Muay Thai workout. The rounds are 3 minutes long, and I took 30 to 60 seconds rest in between each round.

You want to keep your guard and proper footwork throughout the ENTIRE exercise, jaw clenched, etc.

Round 1: Jab and Pushkick Work (keeping the distance)

Minute 1: Focus on your foot movement and form. Throw the jab high to the head or mid to the body to keep the distance comfortable, while staying in guard and light on your feet. Keep it simple to warm up and get your fight going.

Minute 2: Now combine a good push kick with that jab. The push kick should come from your lead leg and strike to the stomache, chest, and rarely the head. Start to feel the difference between jabs and pushkicks, and what they can do for you. Practice the pushkick - jab combo, a good way to insure that the opponent either stays back, or gets combo'd up on after you hit the jab.

Minute 3: Just keep going, really focus on your tactics and movement.

Round 2 & 3: CROSS and ROUNDKICK - (Exchanging Blows at Mid-Distance)

Minute 1: Focus on a good cross to the head and body. while keeping your movement and gaurd. Throw it out there quick and hard, and bring it back to protect your head.

Minute 2: Now follow up the cross with a good roundkick. Switch up the crosses and kicks from head to body, just make sure you keep the form good.

Minute 3: Focus on ending the fight with these exchanges. Head cross as hard as you can, high kicks to the head, liver kicks, etc. Just make sure your form is good.

I did this round twice, one for Regular and once South Paw

Round 3 & 4: Hooks and Uppercuts

These rounds I just focus on my technique and judge the time accordingly. Hooks and Uppercuts are strikes i really need to work on, so I havent set a workout in stone yet. I switched the stance after the first round of them. Focus on keeping the hooks tight and powered by the lower body. The uppercuts should not leave you too exposed, and you should be gaurding with your other arm while performing these strikes.

Round 5: Knees and Elbows

Minute 1: All sorts of elbows: hooks, uppercuts, overhead, stabbing, and maybe backhand.

Minute 2: All sorts of knees: stabbing and side knees in the clinche, jumping knees.

Minute 3: Mix it up between filthy elbows and terrible knees while in the clinche, closing distance, etc.

Round 6: Apply EVERYTHING

Keep the distance until you can move inside. Some examples:

Push Kick, Push Kick (getting the distance), Roundhouse Kick to body (you've found the distance), Cross to head (your coming in while striking), step in for lead hook to body (you are in, and causing havok), get the clinche and start a flurry of knees (you've got him), step back and push kick off of you (lets save our energy), jab to head (you wanna come in one me?), jab to body (you sure?), flyin knee to body (RAHHH!), uppercut to chin.

This is the fun part. Its also the worst toll on your body, but try to keep it interesting and PREVAIL!

King Kabuki -

Good work. I'm going to find my kicking workout and put it in here for those interested. Man, I gotta go back to my first thread ever on Sherdog to find it. lol I'll edit it into this post:


Alright, now that I look at this it's mostly for strength and conditioning and not so much for technique. Which Tokian's routine is more for. But here's what I used to do to strengthen my legs and be able to kick like fricken Thunderclaps.

1) Squat kicks - Stand in your stance and squat bending only at the knees. When you rise completely, pop a teep kick. Repeat. Then after a while switch sides and work on the other leg. You can also do this with your feet even and your hands up, alternating legs. Squat, stand, left kick, squat, stand, right kick, etc. If you can have someone hold a blocking pad for you, you can work on accuracy and follow-through. You can also do this for side-kicks and back-kicks, and it will give you strength and balance enough to kick people so hard in the gut they have to pee.

2) Squat Thrust (a.k.a. "Burpees") kicks - This one SUCKS, but works like a charm. Perform a squat thrust. Stand with feet together, arms at your sides. Squat all the way down bending at the knees and slightly at the waist, hands flat to the floor, thrust out your back legs keeping them straight and together (so that you end up in push-up position), and then pull in the legs back to the squat position, shoot back up into standing position, and pop a teep or round-kick, repeat, and on the next one alternate legs. The trick is to do this all in one fluid motion. You might fall over the first couple of times you do it but you'll get used to it. This one is also fun with a target, blocking pads work best.

3) Frog Jumps - Hands behind your head, squat down as far as you can, then spring up and jump, landing back and flowing down back into the squat positon, repeat. Your ass and hamstrings will get solid REAL fast with this one.

4) Machine-gun kicking drills - I actually stole this from my TKD classes when I was little but man does it help with kicking power and speed. On your heavy bag (I assume you have one, if not GET ONE, they're a Muay Thai fighter's BEST friend), do your kicks in succession as fast and hard as you can for like 50 straight kicks. 25 with each leg. Increase as it gets easier and faster. So that this is how it goes: Left <Pow> Right <POW> Left <POW> Right <POW>, as if you're walking down your opponent with your kicks.
Badass, thanks KK. It seems you found a really good way to simulate ring distancing and timing with the tokians exercise, major props.
Tokian is the poster who wrote it. Not I.
Nice stuff. I will have to give this a try.
Cool. Always looking for new shit to try. My training is allready planned till wednesday so I'll try this prob. try this thursday friday.
King Kabuki said:
Tokian is the poster who wrote it. Not I.

I mean good job finding it. :icon_chee The exercises you posted are really good too.

Holy shit, i just had the most INTENSE idea ever. We need a damn MMA BIBLE. Like a collection of all the training exercises and conditioning exercises and regiments everyone knows on this forum, compiled into 1 easy to read book, or post.

Think about the money you could make offa that!!
where is tokian anyway? he used to contribute lots of shit to the stand-up forum.
wow thanks for that. i hate standing in front of the bag and trying to think of new stuff to do
Thanks. I'm going to try this out after work.
machine gun kicks are the shiznit, i love them, everyone should do them.
Thanks buddy, this rutine seems to be really helpful. I begin to try this today and It feels great. (In a tiring and painful way)
I've been doing Kickboxing,wing chun, Muay thai for about 8-9 years i still think your combinations and very interesting with time I tend to just do combination and forget the basics...That is obviously not a good idea.