To my Sherdog Vietnam Vets (vietnam vet bruhs you WANT to GTFIH!!!)


Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score

Thanks for your sacrifice and service but there's a parasite inside you that is ever slowly eating you away according to VA study.

Tell us about your war stories before it's too late.
I have seen a lot 80's movies so I know these guys came back to America trained killing machines.
I was a POW in 'Nam.

I made it out alive by exacting the "Vietnam POW survival technique".

which was to cover myself head to toe in my own feces. I used semen too as an extra measure
I wasn’t technically in Vietnam but I’ve seen First Blood like a 100x, so technically it’s almost as good.

And you’re welcome. We tried.
Vietnam was rough. Had to eat rice cakes. Never ate a rice cake until I was in nam. And there was nothing to put on then rice cakes over in nam. Used to cook roasted Vietcong ears and put them on the rice cakes when we were lucky enough.