Till vs Thompson : more fist bumps than strikes with KO potential

The fight lacked action not because of the fist bumping, its just Wonderboys style that makes fights like that. Guys who rely heavily on being elusive and counter attacks will always lack action if the other guy isn't falling for his traps.
Naw, it's actually pretty damn easy. Running sideways, is a common warmup exercise.
Between your comment on MT and this, I think that you don't know what you are talking about.

No need to reply, I don't feel like arguing with you, but I had to tell you that you are clueless.
Between your comment on MT and this, I think that you don't know what you are talking about.

No need to reply, I don't feel like arguing with you, but I had to tell you that you are clueless.

No, I think you're clueless. And I accept your surrender, again.