Thoughts on Kali/ Escrima?

Escrima/Kali/Arnis is awesome. If you have it in your area then train it!
I heard their instructor just got his BB in BJJ.

honestly, stick fighting looks fun for funs sake, and Id be interested in taking classes to better myself as a martial artist, but its nothing I would want to take for self defense. Im confident in my ability to beat a man with a stick if the situation arises, and the odds of him having a stick as well is so low it borders paranoia. the knife stuff ive trained in other arts has again been fun, but a concealed carry permit makes knife fighting and knife defense a mute point.

That last thing is not true. Guns do not magically appear in your hand when you're in close combat. If the fight starts without kit drawn, you typically will have to employ some sort of combatives to make space. This is even putting aside the 21 foot rule. Most violent encounters start at 0-6 feet.