The Way Out


Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
Game looks awesome, the idea is awesome, this might be the greatest coop game ever made.

2 players, you and your chosen friend are prisoners. To progress you MUST cooperate for example when one guy distract the guard, the other is stealing tools and so on. Once you escape you have to work together to stay alive.

I like the idea although I dont like playing games like that with friend or friends. I like to play solo dolo.
The reason is I like to explore games, take my time to see every single corner.

Distract guard(press r1 to access store to purchase distract emote)
Co-op isn't my thing, but that sounds a bit's not even made by EA, just published under them.
Them being the publisher is a bad thing. Expect day 1 DLC and micro-transactions.
This game comes out in a little over a month now, and the only thing that draws me away is the EA banner. One good thing is that only one copy of the game could be owned for two people to play. If you own it, you can simply invite friends to play with you, and they don't have to own it themselves.