The 'Saved by the Bell' theory - very plausible !

No hidden theory. It's called a re-brand. They took everything that was shitty about Ms Bliss (Ohio, generic Slater, generic Jesse, the hag teacher) and restarted in CA, and added hotter chicks and a meat head.
member when Jessie was all hopped up on drugs?

I dated a girl that was just like her, but with a sex addiction. Pretty white girl. Highly educated. Over achiever. The girl was literally addicted to illicit sex. It became so much work that I became completely turned off by her sexually. Was a weird 8 months.

Really? She got ugly as hell as she aged.

By "matured" I mean like early 20's, not 40's. They started as teenagers.
I dated a girl that was just like her, but with a sex addiction. Pretty white girl. Highly educated. Over achiever. The girl was literally addicted to illicit sex. It became so much work that I became completely turned off by her sexually. Was a weird 8 months.
Did she like it in the butt?
clearly saw the Cracked video on this, but ya the main holding pt of the theory is his friendship w/ Screech

it makes no sense. Zach got the highest SAT Score in his HS (beating Screech and Jesse), he's not dumb. There's literally no other reason to have screech around.....
What about their summer job at that beach resort? Explain that.

A dream within a dream. Are we going all inception on Saved by the Bell?
scientologist propaganda

remember, Zach's gf was leah rimini......
OR, and I'm leaning more towards this theory, NBC needed to revamp Good Morning Ms. Bliss because it was garbage, so they moved Zach to California, gave him better friends, and a beach.
Remember the crossover episode where Zack Morris travels to San Francisco and rapes DJ Tanner from Full House?

Didn't she also do a movie with the kid from the Wonder Years where he was an abusive boyfriend and ended up accidentally killing her and dumping the body?

That movie scarred me for life. No one does that to my DJ Tanner!!!
Remember the crossover episode where Zack Morris travels to San Francisco and rapes DJ Tanner from Full House?

He should've punched her in the face and thrown her down the stairs. That would've shown her.
Zach morris was the Renaissance Man of all times
Smartest kid by test scores in the school, yet never tries
Excellent athlete in multiple sports (basketball, track, volleyball, etc...)
banged every girl in California
Got outta detention by putting a blonde wig on a lab skeleton
sold the school to the Japanese
Got the whole school to turn down drugs from a cool, popular pop star
was himself a popstar one episode
I think he like delivered Belding's wife baby in an elevator one time

and on and on. James Bond has shit on Zach Morris
By "matured" I mean like early 20's, not 40's. They started as teenagers.
she was really pretty when she did the movie how high after that is when she started going crazy and getting plastic surgery.
Zach morris was the Renaissance Man of all times
Smartest kid by test scores in the school, yet never tries
Excellent athlete in multiple sports (basketball, track, volleyball, etc...)
banged every girl in California
Got outta detention by putting a blonde wig on a lab skeleton
sold the school to the Japanese
Got the whole school to turn down drugs from a cool, popular pop star
was himself a popstar one episode
I think he like delivered Belding's wife baby in an elevator one time

and on and on. James Bond has shit on Zach Morris

Hes great, but not undefeated. There was that one time Jessi's greaser cousin from ny besmirched him by taking apart Belding's car. Not to mention the time he was cucked by that manager at The Max who was banging Kelly.

But yeah, overall Zach and Slater were Jordan and Pippen of Bayside High.
member when Jessie was all hopped up on drugs?

lol of course! I'd wager that if you asked 20 people from Saved by the Bell to deliver a line from the show 13-15 of them would belt out in over-the-top hysterics I'm so excited! I'm so excited. I'm so...scared!"
Didn't she also do a movie with the kid from the Wonder Years where he was an abusive boyfriend and ended up accidentally killing her and dumping the body?

That movie scarred me for life. No one does that to my DJ Tanner!!!

No One Would Tell:

(Tagline: She Loved Him So Much, It Hurt)
