The most unpleasant character in all fiction


Nov 27, 2008
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God is the most unpleasant character in all fiction. A Manacle, genocidal, homophobic, egomaniac.

  1. He knew already before creating Adam that he would sin and be punished and burn. So why create him?

  2. He flooded the entire earth killing countless women and children.

  3. God created evil. He also uses a man in a red suit (the devil) with a good cop/bad cop routine. A total scapegoat that could be stopped if God wanted because God is omnipotent. The devil never killed anyone actually. The devil didn't kill humanity in a flood or rain down fire to destroy cities or kill thousands of first born children.

  4. God regularly commanded the destruction of cities and the murder of children, rape of enemies and bathing in pigeon blood as remedy for leprosy. He lets 2 sides of the same religion fight each other to the death both proclaiming he is with that side. His omnipotent messages are so vague we are left to create 3000 different religions all competing with each other.

  5. God ridiculous edicts in the bible and Koran: can't eat pig, kill a worker on Sunday, cut off hands and stone to death for this or that.

  6. Hides during your lifetime (we live for about 80 years) then burns us for ETERNITY for not believing while he was hiding during your short life span. Totally set up.

  7. Explain this twisted nonsense: Elisha and the Two Bears (2 Kings 2:23-25). 2 large bears jumped out of the woods and mauled 42 children to death for making fun of a bald man. LOL.

  8. Today god kills 5 million children each year of disease and malnutrition before they reach the age of seven. Not to mention the thousands that die of bone cancer before the age of 5. If your prayers are answered (never will be anyway, dont' fool yourself) god must be busy giving children bone cancer instead of listening to your begging and wining for a new car.

  9. Whoever didn't hear of god mighty message and cosmic plan is doomed (Amazonian tribes, nomads)

  10. If you accept god into your heart after he tortured himself on a pole in human form you are saved, but you still have to go to church for some reason.

  11. Mixed messages, allows a pope to speak for him that is also full of contradiction as much as God is. Pope said there is purgatory, then changed his mind and now there is no purgatory. Pope said fetuses that die go to hell, then changed his mind, and a host of other TOTAL BULLSHIT.

  12. This is just the beginning, need I say more? Do you still believe in this nonsense?
Why do I get the feeling that you don't read much fiction?
Cool, I guess you read the God Delusion............

Changed my life. Amazing book. I can recommend others if you are interested.

  • God is not Great, Christopher hitchens
  • Sapiens
  • Foundational falsehoods of creationism

Start with that!
And yet they call him our father.
That's like a girl who gets brutaly raped over and over again calling her raper daddy.
Believers are really sick in the head to worship this monster.
And since they worship a bigger monster then say neo-nazi's, they themselves must be worse then neo-nazi's.
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I always thought it was Holden Caufield.

Personally, I always thought God was a great character in the Bible.
I dunno dude. The human centipede doc seems pretty unpleasant.
This is the worst thread I read today, and I read my own threads.
Changed my life. Amazing book. I can recommend others if you are interested.

  • God is not Great, Christopher hitchens
  • Sapiens
  • Foundational falsehoods of creationism

Start with that!