The girl Till has tattood on his arm is actually his ex-girlfriend

Who would smack a hard dick across that mans bicep?

*raises hand*
People never learn. You should never get a tattoo of your wife/girlfriend/husband/bf/etc. It doesn't matter if you have been happily married for 20+ years.
a few years time he can just say the tatoo is his daughter

thats actually not a bad idea lol

Whether that was just another profoundity like we've come ro expect out of you,
or it's personal experience on the'll do<45>

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That's like the number 1 thing you don't do in life.
Yup, don't pay homage to someone unless they are dead. You never know wtf will happen tomorrow.
Love my wife in ways I never thought I could ever love another person. She is my everything and iI would be lost without this woman. I would NEVER get her face tatted on me. Lol.
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Lmao. Never tattoo a person’s face on you. It never looks good and you’re an idiot to do it.
Love my wife in ways I never thought I could never love another person. She is my everything and iI would be lost without this woman. I would NEVER get her face tatted on me. Lol.
I never thought I could never love a person.
I still think it looks like vanzant
That picture looks hilarious of him smiling and showing the tat.

Poor lad
I've read that in quite a few stories on him....

didn't timestamp it...but go to about six minutes in

I'm assuming she's Brazilian as he says his daughter and wife speak Portuguese and that's why he had to learn

That's like the number 1 thing you don't do in life.
What about masterbating when your mom is home and you leave the bathroom door unlocked my mistake? Happened to a friend of mine.
Been worse tattoos. Someone posted a tattooo a guy got of some pornatar with her face covered in well you know.
Wow, I didn't know Barao was such a big Karl Malden fan.
