The absolute max a fighter can possibly weight cut

Geoff Neal weighed 200 pounds against garry

Jonny Hendricks weighed 200 pounds against koscheck I think

30 as a % of 170 is 17.65%

Cody stamann weighed 158 atleast once, that’s ~17%

Barboza said in his first featherweight fight he weighed 170, so that’s 17.2%


The absolute biggest % cut ever (that I’ve seen) is drew dober cutting from 183 to 155, 28 pounds, that’s 18%
I'm a young guy (23 on Monday), so I know it's a bit easier for me.

But I used to cut a shit tonne.

I'm a 135er, but my walkaround weight back then was about 168lbs, which is a decent weight cut.

Now I'm about 180lbs and coach has said that it's probably best i move to featherweight.

I imagine the big guys can cut a lot more, as it's less % of their bodyweight
Brendan Schaubjj did cut Ronda so how much was that?