Thai food vs. Indian food... which is better?


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Going on a date tonight with the missus. There's a new fancy Thai restaurant that opened up close to the newish Indian buffet restaurant that we've been to recently.

Which one is better?

Thai food

Shark fin in orange sauce with spinach and egg



Indian food

Buttered rice, mint Ravioli, Grimroth (sauceless pizza)

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Thai and its not even close. The worst thing about Indian restaurants is there's always a random Indian in there (or god forbid an entire family) shoveling food into their mouths with their barehands. Disgusting.
Thai and its not even close. The worst thing about Indian restaurants is there's always a random Indian in there (or god forbid an entire family) shoveling food into their mouths with their barehands. Disgusting.

Not to mention the overpowering stench of BO
Thai and its not even close. The worst thing about Indian restaurants is there's always a random Indian in there (or god forbid an entire family) shoveling food into their mouths with their barehands. Disgusting.

Sounds like your problem is with Indians, not Indian food.
Which one is less likely to leave my toilet looking like a crime scene?
Thai is based on tons of indian spices, Indian defacto

However, holy shit both are incredible
Indian. It's not even close.

Thai is a Sinicized subset of Indian.
Indian has a broader range, IMO

Both are good, but Indian wins this one 30-27
Hmmm. I'm not as familiar with Indian food as I feel I should be... Time to expand the ol' palate and hit up my local Indian joint.

Now I know where to get lunch tomorrow! :)
Indian buffet is the best. It offers the most options, you can try several different things, and you do not have to wait for your food to be made.

Thai is good too.
Hmmm. I'm not as familiar with Indian food as I feel I should be... Time to expand the ol' palate and hit up my local Indian joint.

Now I know where to get lunch tomorrow! :)

Try a lunch buffet. Indian can be hit or miss because of the intensity of the flavors, so a buffet is a good way to start.

Also, Indian buffets have a great variety of vegetarian options so they're a good place to go with vegetarian friends.
Love them both.. anything with curry is amazing. Cant choose
Going on a date tonight with the missus. There's a new fancy Thai restaurant that opened up close to the newish Indian buffet restaurant that we've been to recently.

Which one is better?

Thai food

Shark fin in orange sauce with spinach and egg



Indian food

Buttered rice, mint Ravioli, Grimroth (sauceless pizza)


Now that's a great way to end a relationship.
Indian food is disgusting. Thai is one of the goats.
Thai and its not even close. The worst thing about Indian restaurants is there's always a random Indian in there (or god forbid an entire family) shoveling food into their mouths with their barehands. Disgusting.

You realize it is the norm in several cultures to eat with their hands, yes?
Indian. It's not even close.

Thai is a Sinicized subset of Indian.

Agreed. Although I think it is pretty close.

Indian invented curry so that alone makes it Thai's daddy. Indian has more variety as well. Variety is underrated when judging cuisines, IMO.
Thai food is more complex. It has more variety and better flavors.
Thai food is much better. In presentation, taste and heat level.

For some reason Indians think they invented spicy food, they didn't. Chile peppers originated in Latin America.