Tell me about Brazilian gis

Fit great

Feel is nice and warm

Wash often

Stay fit


I have cheaper ones

Need to change it more often because it becomes smelly and saggy

But it's always fun to try new stuff. It feels tighter sometimes but you get use to it
This thread...

I had one Koral and it was pretty comfortable.
It was expensive, but survived about 2 years of good practice, so can't complain there. Not an immortal gi, but it did it's job.
The pants, though, broke much sooner, but i think that always happens.
Also, the koral belt was terrible. It got shredded while doing some pulling excercises.
Koral belts are brittle... a little over a year of using my belt 4-5 days a week and washing, it looked like a 4 year old belt.
As for Koral pants, which line did you have? MKMs tend to be thicker and I never had issues with their pants or jacket. They are like tanks.
As for Koral MKM Slim, while a great summer gi, don't expect them to last if you are using it as an every day gi. They are much thinner.
Cuts are much different also.
How's the sizing? Comparable to most brands in sizing? Not bad for $100 US dollars. Not sure the shipping and taxes. How much was taxes and shipping?

Sizing's comparable to Kingz. I found the pants shrunk a bit more than I'd like, so you'd have to watch for that. Shipping is the big caveat, considering it's shipping from Brazil. It was $60.
Any brands that do lanky sizings? I'm an A2L in Kings