Teen who swallowed a slug on a dare became a quadriplegic

Eating slugs is dumb, but this penalty is disproportionate to the stupidity. People do far stupider things with no consequences. Poor guy.

exactly. i'll say it again, this thread really brought out the scumbags.

jesus christ
Isn't 19 a bit to old to do dumb shit like that for a dare...that's something that a 10-12 yo would do.
Dumbshit. Is their public education system as shitty as ours?
Fuck me poor dude.

I have done way dumber shit than that in my youth.

Life is unfair seriously.
You can't even say "it could be worse...." I'd rather be dead. Poor kid
If going by mr glasses logic there should be a slug/bug out there that makes you super strong

Whos game to try it?

Kind of like Spider-Man?

Eat a slug and gain superpowers; you grow a leaky vagina and lose your legs?
My friend did that with a spider that bit the inside of his mouth. He almost dieded. He went into shock and we called 911. The following year the dip stick was laid 14 dollars to eat a scoop full of wet dog food. He had the runs for 2 days. Some people never learn.
You hear about stories like this and realize all the comically terrible shit that could happen to anyone at any time.

Like, remember when your parents used to tell you not to cross your eyes or they’d get stuck that way... I bet that is some 59 year old dude out there right now who has been stuck cross-eyed for 51 years.
fuck now I have the terrible urge to cross my eyes for some reason
So basically

Teen who swallowed a slug on a dare becomes a slug.
420 days in a coma, oh my God thats crazy. I done a few dares in my younger years but thankfully never had to eat a slug as a dare.


This is why I don't eat lettuce.
Dang . . . don't eat slugs kids.
Guys he's only 19. He's got plenty of time to improve. I say feed him CM Punk.