Technical Analyst Breakdown of FN 134 Rua vs Smith PLUS PFL 4 Rare Exorcist Submission!

Summary: Shogun got the shit beat out of him.
OG 2009 Exorcist Neck Crank Vid

6 subs from back control that are wicked, 4 of which I made up
This guy is back.
Aren't you sick of getting your threads wastelanded or deleted man?
Why don't you throw some text and discussion on your posts so it's not just you spamming your own channel?
You seem to be a legit knowledgeable guy with some solid pro fighting experience. But you come across like a huge douchebag. You always get this exact feedback every thread. But you never change.
Why do a video of you sitting in a chair referencing notes and talking. You should just podcast. Your background is bland and unprofessional.

You have knowledge of the sport but your setup is terrible. Go on amazon order a desktop mic and google how to podcast.
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