So, this is Remedy next big thing after Max Payne, Alan Wake and Quantum Break?


Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
Looks like mix of all 3 games with...female hero??? Really???

Dude I am a fan of Remedy but seriously??? It looks so generic like Quantum Break. Wish they just release a Max Payne 3 the Remedy style, dark, gloomy Noir York we all fell in love with back in the day. But as you all know they sold MP license to Rockstar who turned it into demo of GTA 5.


Max Payne 3 was already released by Rockstar who I believe now owns the series. It was a fantastic game my only issue was the people spoke in Portuguese so you couldn't understand anyone. One of my favorite things about Max Payne was listening to the enemy talk shit.
Max Payne 3 was already released by Rockstar who I believe now owns the series. It was a fantastic game my only issue was the people spoke in Portuguese so you couldn't understand anyone. One of my favorite things about Max Payne was listening to the enemy talk shit.

If you enjoyed MP3 that means you never played MP1 and MP2 to begin with.

If you enjoyed MP3 that means you never played MP1 and MP2 to begin with.

I also played and beat both of those games. Doesn't mean it stops me from enjoying MP3 or that I think it's better than the other two.
>Be every guy that plays video games

>Wants a gamer girlfriend

>Doesn't want games with girls in them...
