Should we be able to decide to if we want to live or die ?( suicide topic)

It should be the person's choice if they want to end their life but they should really think about it if they have wife, kids, etc. It's gonna be hell for them.

Actually it's hell for the person who off'd themselves. Do not pass go do not collect $200.00, ticket straight to hell
I don't think it's wrong, but it's definitely a dick move when you have major relationships and responsibilities. Personally I've been suicidal many times but the thought of what it'd do to my parents has always stopped me. I figure once they die then I'll off myself at that point

No bro! Don’t do it! Think about all the hookers in Bangkok that will miss you if you off yourself.

LMFAO I just about spit my water out. I posted the same thing almost at the same time in the other thread

I saw that one first, thought it was a response to this. that's hilarious.
No, because having constant suicidal thoughts is a mental disorder. We should try to help them, especially if it's a loved one.
Mods can you just merge this with the 'Do you have HIV thread..

my old man got very ill and signed a voluntary death form with his doctor.
it would have resulted in assisted suicide after one month.
he died before they could do it.
No why would you want my stuff.... this thread was nothing more than to see what peoples views are on the subject

No, right, yeah... but if you were to hypothetically off yourself. Could I have your things?
No, right, yeah... but if you were to hypothetically off yourself. Could I have your things?
I'm sure you have all you need nothing i have have would be of any value to you
I have personal experience with this, Ive been through it with a very close family member so I think people should have the right, but it is hell for the surviving members. I think the people need to really have that drilled into their head before making that decision. It was 8 years ago and it still fucks me up from time to time.
I'm sure you have all you need nothing i have have would be of any value to you

Let’s just let Craigslist sort that out, no reason to bother yourself with all the details at this point.
as long as you follow through from A-Z. I mean, dont be a burden after your death. If you plan and pay for the funeral and all the associated costs of dealing with a dead body. TBH, you should kill yourself in a coffin thats already in the ground.

If its that thorough then, yes, its ok. Its just the burden for the people that have to clean up afterwards which makes suicide selfish.
I don’t think it’s an issue of choice, but how we are tethered to truth. I believe in human dignity, in the inherent goodness of the world. To choose death is not freedom. Rather, freedom is the ability to live and flourish, which is the way reality is quite obviously oriented—toward existence.
Suicide is a sad and tragic thing, and though it can be a grotesque act of repentance, it is never good. And not just because it saddens loved ones, but because it usurps the natural order.
One should be entitled to cash one's chips in should one feel so compelled to do so.
I don't think it's up to anyone right to judge another person.

I can't fathom living with that feeling of hatred or sadness or whatever emotion it is, but if someone wants to off themself, it should be their choice.

Obviously it's a sad situation, especially for the loved ones involved, but it should be one's right.
Actually it's hell for the person who off'd themselves. Do not pass go do not collect $200.00, ticket straight to hell
Not everyone believes that nonsense, believe it or not.

Fuck anyone that thinks people dont have the absolute right to decide if they want to live or die. Its their fucking life and they didnt ask to be born in the first place.

If someone can look at somene suffering immense pain every second of every day, and try to say that person doesn't have the right to end it, that person is a scumbag and deserves to feel that pain until their mind changes.