Should game companies recycle soundtrack from previous games?


Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
How many of us really care about soundtrack in the game or where was the last time you heard something memorable?

I can answer you. Its been freaking AAAAAGES since I heard something memorable that stuck in my memory.

So recently I bought Sniper Elite 4 and out of nowhere this music start playing in my head:

That music played each time you screwed up stealth in Wolfenstein and had to go hard way. Wish I had this music in SE4.

Yes. Every game should use the original Quake soundtrack by Trent Reznor

Obscure thread is obscure.
Memorable soundtracks?

Well immediately Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption and Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon come to mind in terms of modern games, they were beautifully crafted to fit the style and narrative of the games perfectly.

I guess you're average, run of the mill game could recycle assets and soundtrack from past games and no one would notice at all, but i think a superb score can make a game go from good to instant classic. I was never a massive fan of Halo but I'll be damned if the soundtrack to the first 3 games didn't get me pumped up every time.

How's Sniper Elite 4 going? I loved V2 and 3.
I know of a direct instance where EA did this with Mass Effect 2... Afterlife nightclub used Saki Kaskas music from...

Huge fan of both games and I heard that track and knew I heard it somewhere.
Memorable soundtracks?

Well immediately Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption and Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon come to mind in terms of modern games, they were beautifully crafted to fit the style and narrative of the games perfectly.

I guess you're average, run of the mill game could recycle assets and soundtrack from past games and no one would notice at all, but i think a superb score can make a game go from good to instant classic. I was never a massive fan of Halo but I'll be damned if the soundtrack to the first 3 games didn't get me pumped up every time.

How's Sniper Elite 4 going? I loved V2 and 3.

Motherfucking Power Glove. BD is a sick OST.

Why not? I always get a chuckle when I hear the Chocobo music or variations of victory fanfare in a new FF game.
Sometimes it would be alright, because some games have fairly uninspired soundtracks. But more times than not I think it would be irritating and distracting hearing music from one game in a different one.

There's been a few recent games who pulled off good OSTs. The music in Stardew Valley is really good, imo. The music from Yooka Laylee trailers sounds pretty sweet, too. And music from Doom 2016 was perfect for the game, and I'd argue it wouldn't be as good without that soundtrack.
The Toejam and Earl theme definitely needs more exposure.

Yes. Every game should use the original Quake soundtrack by Trent Reznor

Listening to parts of this briefly really shows how far Trent's, and video game musics, production quality has come over the years. This isn't as well produced as I remember it being.
This theme is too epic to be buried in obscurity.

With all the generic music in games nowadays its refreshing when you hear music so epic in a title like Bulletstorm. That game was amazing, too bad no one played it. Pretty obscure. It deserves a sequel awesome unique gameplay.

Listening to parts of this briefly really shows how far Trent's, and video game musics, production quality has come over the years. This isn't as well produced as I remember it being.

I was more of a fan of Descents music. From that era it had kickass Industrial music.

Much better sound engineering. Quakes music had terrible lowfi mixing.

Or maybe that was just a shitty rip of that MP3.