Shoop that Incredulous Cormier / Drug Wars


I don’t know if this is the place to ask but I’ll do it anyway, since we’re BOIZ

When you’re not busy driving your lambo or banging your 11/10 could you shoop a crown onto my avatar
Christmas is over and I feel stupid
Had a go at a 247 poster, inspired by 70s B movies.

I'm liking it, but I feel like there's something missing. Any suggestions?
Needs more birds
This thread should never be closed, we need to get it going again. The recent Jones decision wins should have reinvigorated it. We can now complain that he should go back on the horse meat diet to go back to his finishing opponents.
Very important question about this thread. WTf does incredecueois mean

Latin root = credo = belief

Like credence, creed, etc.

Prefix = "in" = USUALLY means negation = "no" or "non"

So "incredulous" is a state of non-belief.