Shoop dat terrifying Rogan

He's great with the camera.

Rogan sucks at taking pics and he has a piece of junk cell phone camera . With all the money he makes, you would think he would invest in even a $75 point and shoot or even a half decent cell phone camera.
hahaha lol
He's great with the camera.

If you're in your 30s-40s, and still look up to Doug Stanhope for sound advice with life decisions, you are, to quote Stanhope, "a loser of epic proportions".
I like dog shoops:
In fairness, 1986 had a 19-year-old Pam Anderson.


Pretty much Immortal Fappability.

lol, rekt.

Luckily I'm at work or I'd shoop him onto her and destroy something immortal.
In fairness, 1986 had a 19-year-old Pam Anderson.


Pretty much Immortal Fappability.

Man, she'd cut my custom suits to threads with those elbows. Does she hunt with them???
is it legit to ask why there's not a shoop section in the forum... wouldn't be nice?