Sherdog POTWR: Round 2: The Debate

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/Led/ blanket
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2009
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Nineteen candidates announced and in Round 1, only fifteen remain. Our ballot has been locked and the options for our 1st President of a political sub-forum of an MMA forum have been decided. The stakes couldn't be anymore higher.

For the debate, if registered, you will be allowed to tag and ask candidates questions. They are expected to answer you back at least once with a reply. Candidates can ask each other questions or call out one another as well. This is an open platform and will last likely until the 28th.

The Candidates:

@Jack V Savage

With that, some prearranged questions and answers were given. I will go by the tiebreaker ranking order:

Our first candidate is @Jack V Savage:
You kept your announcement speech to a minimum but dropped a huge ultimatum that you would only post within that thread in the War Room if elected. Does this offer still stand?

It's possible you have the biggest name recognition with the earliest join date and most posts amoung the candidates in the field. Would you consider yourself a frontrunner in this race?
I think I'm simultaneously one of the most beloved and one of the most hated posters here. Hard to tell how that affects the race, especially in combination with my campaign promise (which could invert support). But if you think about it, having a master JVS thread helps people who want to see my stuff find it easily (and note that I reserve the right to put comments on other threads in the master thread), and people who don't like having their views challenged or whatever can avoid it easily. Win-win. Absent any polling data, I can't answer the question with any confidence, but, well, I'd vote for me.

12 Angry Men or 7 Samurai?
Seven Samurai, but Three Kings is better than both of them. Stalag 17 and Se7en deserve consideration on that list, too.

Ed: Also 25th Hour.

For your campaign speech, you promised to open immigration policy with the War Room and bring new posters to the Sherdog and the sub-forum. Do you think these new posters will be able to assimilate to the public here? Do they need to?

That's a great question, Lead. I will do my best to increase new members into the Sherdog War Room. Being involved in a couple private groups on Facebook, designed to discuss politics, I can honesty say the War Room is a better place to talk politics than it gives itself credit for. Assimilation into Sherdog is built into the rules, so the fabric of Sherdog as the place we know and love would not be threatened by any new people brought to Sherdog. I also think the ability to assimilate into Sherdog's WR is within every American with a brain.

Who do you see as the perceived frontrunner of this race? How do you intend to beat them?
The front runner is going to be Jack V, I believe. He has shown great consistency over the years, and is a very recognizable character. Both of those things are his weaknesses. He is on one side of all issues, and one side only. His over consistency in his one-sidedness betrays his well written pseudo-intellectualism; as true intellectuals would never always have hive mind and never allow themselves to deviate from the script. Jack is recognizable for being in certain threads where the fruit is low-pickens.. But as the left has shot wayyy left, he has stayed away from far too many of the threads where he would have no logical stance, and has in turn proved that the left has no argument in many of these cases. We don't need a partisan hack, no matter how recognizable. This last actual Presidential election proved that. Jack is definitely Hillary Clinton in this election.

Thanks again, Lead.

The speech you did seemed to focus on what your agenda will be during your term with the thread topics you may choose if elected, do you think other candidates should do the same?
I understand that as a fringe candidate representing the Conspiracy Party (CP), some might think that CT's are the only thing that interests us and that just isn't true but the War Room needs some kick. It is often far too dry and boring for the average Sherdogger. If not for the insanity of the Trump/Clinton campaign then the War Room's ratings would be much lower than the OT's.

I do understand that political CT's can agitate some people and these are the people that I hope to bring in to the fold. I promise not to engage in conspiracy that involves misinformation and blatantly false narratives. I promise not to bring up Reptilians, I promise not to bring up fake moon landings, and I promise not to bring up anything about flat earth. These CT's are not a part of the Conspiracy Party (CP), and I openly denounce them. They will not be a part of this platform.

We might try to understand why George Washington was writing about the Illuminati in the late 1700's, or we might try to understand why Vladimir Putin possibly put radioactive suppositories in people. We might try to understand the C.I.A.'s involvement in 1950's Iran or their plan to assassinate Fidel Castro in the 1960's. The focus may simply be to illuminate the overwhelming power of the C.I.A. to foment unrest against foreign nations.This is just an example of one topic, the C.I.A., and how it can go in different, but legitimate directions.

And secret spies, what's up with that?


There is no reason for politics to be dry and boring. I plan to put new information in the sticky thread either bi-weekly, or monthly. This would provide 10-20 topics for my 10 month term and make the installments timely and easy to deal with, not only for members, but for @Lead . As a member of the War Room, you may or may not agree with them but I promise they will be as legit and sourced as possible.

A supporter of yours has stated they will dump dirt of the other candidates in hopes to help your campaign. Is there any coordination from you on this effort? Do you support or condemn these efforts?
Now as you may know, @Hans Gruber may from time to time leak information about the candidacy of certain members. I deny any collusion in this process with GruberLeaks. I don't know what he may or may not know and I don't know how he obtains his data. The Conspiracy Party (CP) has no ties with this group.

You seem close with the poster Sodapopinski. He decided to not run for this office and he has yet to endorse. Are you currently seeking this endorsement and do you expect to get it?
I have not at this time sought any endorsements. If @sodapopinski had run then I would have given him my endorsement.

What is the greatest threat to the health of the War Room? How will you work to allieviate this threat?
The greatest threat to the health of the War Room is the uptick in celebrated, absolute, unbridled, unchanging ignorance. Which is distinct from the normal ignorance that arises from the natural lack of exposure to something. I will continue doing the unpraised work of belittling the wilfully ignorant. Exposing them to sunlight so that other posters can drive a stake through their hearts and shove garlic into their mouths.

What voters do you believe you campaign will be able to appeal to in order to get to the general election? Is that coalition large enough to do so?
I think my campaign will appeal to anyone who has ever read a book. Anyone who has ever written a paper. Watched a documentary. Those souls who watch the news but add their own grain of salt. The men, women, and children who ask themselves "Did I learn something new today?"

And, yes gotdammit, that coalition is large enough to win this thing. It's large enough to shake up the world. USA USA USA...wait...WR WR WR. I am a candidate for all WR posters...even the rapists and criminals.

You gave the largest announcement speech out of any of the candidates by a very large margin. Will this be reflected in your threads throughout your term?
Thank you Megyn, that's a good question and obviously the answer is yes. We've gonna have yuge sticky threads, the biggest in the world. They will be tremendous in size and quality. The 1000 post limit is not going to apply in my sticky threads. We're gonna have 2000, 3000 or maybe 5000 posts in one thread, and it is going to be tremendously tremendous.

With a large portion of the War Room comprising of Americans, do you worry you won't be able to successfully appeal/relate to them?
That's a gotcha question, but I am actually glad you asked it because this way, all of the great posters in the War Room can see that the media is biased and the system is rigged against Making the War Room Great Again!

Obviously yes, a large portion of the War Room is American Conservatives, and yes, I am a smug European liberal. So could I, from thousands of miles away, possibly know what's good for them? Of course I do. That's the point. A big part of Making the War Room Great Again is securing the border to F2 and the Mayberry. And as a German, I obviously know a thing or two about open borders. You don't hear these things from the other candidates. None of them talk about the Mayberry and the Heavies. They know it's a problem, but they are too weak to do anything about it or they are in the pocket of the Mods.

You are a long time poster at Sherdog. Do you see yourself as the front runner of this race? If not, who is the candidate that will be hardest to overcome?
Although I am a longtime poster, I do not see myself as a frontrunner. My profile is not as high as some other members of the war room. However, I will change that during the course of this election. As far as who will be difficult to overcome? I think panamaican will be tough. He's got name recognition and makes thoughtful arguments most of the time. However, the use of the law is a crutch to him. He is over reliant on legalize in his arguments at times. I look forward to a spirited series of debates with him and all the other candidates.

You are calling for a term that will put liberals and conservative in their place. Can you elaborate further on what this will entail?
Of course. Many posters engage in argumentative tactics designed to obfuscate the true nature of the argument. They use strawmen, they move the goalposts, and they focus on ancillary issues without addressing the actual theme of the argument. Both liberal and conservative posters do this quite frequently. It's difficult to have debates that are informative when someone is doing everything they can to misrepresent your position or to force definitions into an argument that aren't universally agreed upon.

The last complaint in the previous paragraph is especially a problem with the libertarians on this board, although others do it as well. There's a lot of pedants running around here.

I will argue with logic and supporting facts to back up my position and expose the cheap argumentative tactics for what they are. I will demand people to actual state their position and not hide behind buzzword used to illicit emotional responses.
Fight Club or Resevoir Dogs?
Reservoir Dogs. It's much more entertaining in the long run to me. It has more replay value. Fight Club is good, but has a gimmick ending.

Who do you believe your campaign will appeal to most? Will that be enough to win you the election?
Deplorables, and yes, I do.

Is your campaign seeking any major endorsements before the primary begins? If so, who and why?
No; it would be nice, but it's not that important.

Favorite Tarintino movie?
Pulp Fiction.

What are your thoughts on @Hollywood Nicky? You've mentioned allegations that Nicky is now Leeroy Jenkins. What claims do you have to substantiate such claims?
I've been asked my thoughts on @Hollywood Nicky and here they are. I warn you that they are honest and to the point, so cover your ears children. Hollywood Nicky was a scourge on the War Room. A professional cunt, if you will. His hateful Oxnardian rhetoric was merely a common, yet effective troll tool, used to divide us all. Divide us at our most primitive core. Race. We've all seen it, folks. A story about an African American man being shot by police would surface. The sane people would ask for facts, and "Tricky" Hollywood Nicky would automatically, almost instinctively, stoke the flames of racial divide by claiming that if you were simply asking for the facts surrounding the case, that you were racist. This was the game he played.

We all eventually had enough of his nonsense, and the righteous and just Sherdog Administrative Security Force(SASF) silenced him once and for all. I for one feel no hesitation in applauding this move. It was a tremendous public service, and I for one am proud of SASF for their actions.

Now, I have made allegations that Leeroy Jenkins is Hollywood Nicky. I fully admit that these allegations are purely speculative. However, I believe the majority of Sherdogians agree with me. The patterns are too obvious. The subjects of "quotes" too blatant. This "@Leeroy Jenkins" identity is a farce. It's @Hollywood Nicky. We all know it, and I assure you that once I am elected Sherdog War Room Overlord, I will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of it. I already have the ear of SASF. IP checks are being conducted as we speak. I assure you, my fellow Sherdogians, that @Leeroy Jenkins ' days are numbered.

An illegal named @Wad Tucket has promised "Whoever gets elected, I will drown you all in a tsunami of wad". Thoughts?
@Wad Tucket has threatened to drown the War Room Overlord-elect in a "Tsunami of Wad". As the obvious choice and winner of this election, I say this:

Let it rain. LET IT RAIN!

An illegal named @Wad Tucket has promised "Whoever gets elected, I will drown you all in a tsunami of wad". Thoughts?
I feel that Wad Tucket is more likely to drown us all in a sea of likes than he will drown us in a sea of wad.

You currently have infractions on your account. Do you think this could affects your perseption with those voting?
No, I don't feel my infractions will affect my position. My infractions were for something that I said that could have been taken one of two ways. I was accusing a poster, I don't remember who, of being a Hollwood Nicky surrogate, and typed out something to the affect of "isn't the right Little Ni... Uh" followed by the poster's name. I recieved an infraction because it could have been taken as an attempt at a racial slur, and I accepted that because I should have been more thoughtful with my posting.

You've shown a great amount of patriotism in your citizenship with the War Room. Do you think state of this union is well?
Breaking Bad or the Wire?
Thank you Lead,

I think you’ve asked some great questions, and I appreciate the opportunity to be President of the War Room, and I hope to be able to serve everyone to the best of my ability should I be elected.

The reason why I am looking to become the POTWR is to help us improve the state of our Union. While there are many things we can be proud of here, I do feel that there is plenty of room for improvement. I hope the posters of the War Room share my vision as to what constitutes a great War Room, and joins me on a journey to it.

If someone were to ask me “what makes an online political forum a really good one?”, I would say the key tenets would be: freedom of speech, diversity of opinion, an overall strong balance between factual and emotion-based posting, with all of those supported by appropriate moderation. These qualities would continue to attract enthusiastic, knowledgeable posters, and a forum can only be as good as its people.

How is the forum performing, and what can be done to improve it?

· Freedom of speech – The War Room is quite open to all schools of thought, and I think it is doing great in this respect. Posters have a strong ability and leniency to be able to speak their minds. I am unwavering in my support of the concept of free speech, and will ensure to support it throughout the War Room. We should not try to tolerate people trying to silence good posters by bullying tactics or unsubstantiated rumors.

· Diversity of Opinion – If we keep an open mind, we can learn from those we disagree with. I think this is a key area of improvement, partially because we need to be frank in that a political forum on a MMA website is going to struggle to have a membership that better represents the composition of the nation. It is near impossible to attract a sizable number of women, and other groups that typically do not visit MMA sites. I believe the forum would benefit from hearing more unique, but mature ideas – and this could be done by ensuring that highly agreeable or similar threads be strategically merged so that the forum is not completely cluttered with threads that are all driven by ops that have tiny variants of the same issue. I can promise that if I were elected POTWR, and could have a Vice President, I would not be a hypocrite in this regard. I promise I would not elect someone who shares all my views, but instead someone I can trust, and someone I can respectfully disagree with.

· The balance between factual and emotional posting - I think this is the forum’s largest area of opportunity for improvement. We all too often see responses based on not what is being said, but who is saying them. Or wild outlandish assertions with no credible data backing them. And probably the biggest culprit – painting with too broad a brush where rare and extreme events are used to smear entire groups of people. Such time is wasted when we accept false premises instead of proposing or properly investigating the premise itself. We must accept and acknowledge that we are all emotional beings, subject to our own biases, but we as people and a society can grow better when formulating our view issues based on fact. We do not want our forum to be like the political version of some sort of juvenile PS4 vs. XBone fanboy battles, but instead a place where things can get heated, but we concurrently actually learn things.

I believe the above, combined with a Thin Blue Line of moderators who can honor these aims, will improve the state of our union. And those in power must not abuse it, yet act firm to stop those who attempt to deliberately sabotage the enjoyment of the War Room. We can make this already highly enjoyable forum a better place.

Finally, with respect to the key, historical Breaking Bad or The Wire. Let’s go with The Wire. Breaking Bad was fantastic, but the first four seasons of The Wire were masterpieces, and dare I say it, season 2 turned out to be the best if you stuck with it. While both shows had incredibly complex characters, there was just a superior level of brilliance and raw realism to the characters (and script) of The Wire.

I look forward to everyone's questions, I hope to be your President, and together we take this forum from good to great.

Pepsi or Coke?
I'm glad you asked this question. It's a question of no small importance, having touched the lives of millions during the Great Cola Wars, which I lived through; I landed under sniper fire once, trying times. It's noteworthy that our great Nation has embraced both colas, and the extent to which aisles were reached across and pussies were douched with both fine beverages is a testament to American suppository. The word was supposed to be superiority but you get what you get and you don't get upset.

An illegal named Wad Tucket has promised "Whoever gets elected, I will drown you all in a tsunami of wad". Thoughts?
What's Aleppo?

Who do you see as the perceived frontrunner of this race? How do you intend to beat them?
I'm happy to report that I'm in the lead, and everything, everything is rigged against me. But I pledge here and now, to all the people who have the courage to vote for me, that I will not rest until I'm tired. I will avoid afternoon naps as I will avoid answering non-cola questions substantively, and in fact will stop big words almost totally. Big words are for second place candidates, and as we all know, second place is just first loser.

You are the only candidate to say they will post a picture of themselves as a result of being elected. Do you think transparency like this will garner you votes?
I think so good sir. I believe the people want to see who their leader is. Who their President really is. They want to see someone with all that grace, all that body... they want to know that their President is hip, cool, sexy yet classy!

An illegal named Wad Tucket has promised "Whoever gets elected, I will drown you all in a tsunami of wad". Thoughts?
I don't think Wad Tucket means any harm. If he truly is illegal we will have to deal with that as that is a violation and this is definitely no Sanctuary Forum. But I don't think he means any harm. In his country, his saying is merely a gesture of have fun and teasing. I really think he'll just go around liking everyone while everyone likes him. Overall fun guy and maybe I could executive order his ass a Green Card! Ha ha!

One of your supporters has stated they will dump dirt of the other candidates in hopes to help your campaign. Is there any coordination from you on this effort? Do you support or condemn these efforts?
To this I say:

I believe this supporter has good intentions, I believe he means well and is proving information legally. Collusion with such an individual is of a positive one and if it means exposing another candidate for the filthy commy fraud that they are then I'm all for it. I'm not afraid of calling someone out on their birth certificate. I have mine, it says California baby, what's theirs say? Hmm? We shall see.

You mentioned you aren't to familiar with the War Room. Do you think this make you relatively unknown to the voters? How do you overcome this?
What's your thoughts on the VAT tax?
yes yes yes the time has come. my computer is broken and the wife ran off with the laptop but none the less I percevuere. I'm so skilled I built a new computer with some random tools I found in my garage. as you can see my skills are unending. like a snake swallowing its tale I will spin like a cyclone of eternal awesomeness .

as a paperclip living in a Mans world I still overcame all and came hard.

I more frequent the other lands of sherdog such as the heavies of the mayberry but I also often grace the war room to drop golden nuggets of my vast intellect. this is to protect you all for if I opened the floodgates you would all drown in my greatness. I want to share my greatness not kill you all with it. this way I can make us all great again.

word of me will travel and people will vote for me cause just like trump I am blatantly the worst candidate but I'm loud and stupid and I will bring back jobs and build walls.

vat tax you say. value added tax is a scam from foreign countries to steal our money. elect me and I will steal the tax and give it to the poor.

I'll drink a bottle of wine a day and juggle kittens what ever you Want I'll be there, I will tear down the old railroads to make weapons and then build new stronger railroads to stimulate the economy and make jobs using the value added tax to buy all the iron in the world.

there is an alarming shortage of bees but also the world is losing helium as well. you can not buy bees of helium at Wal-Mart and once it's gone its gone. I plan to hide the helium in the bees. this will keep the bees high up in the air so humans and reptilians alike will be unable to carry on the senseless killing.

whales are getting too smart. Vote me and I will personally strangle all the whales with a violin string.

I gotta go my Kraft macaroni and cheese Is boiling over.

A citizen has come forth claiming you tried to bribe him with $20. Are these claims true?
Absolutely this claim is true. I openly admit that I am willing and able to provide financial gifts for those that support and vote for me in this election.

There are a lot of well known posters running in this race. How do you intend to beat them?
I'm sure my opponents are spending a lot of time thinking about how they are going to attack each other, and strategizing on how they are going to get votes. This is their weakness. They have learned nothing from the Trump campaign. I I'm going to total wing this shit!

@snakedafunky previously was bumped out of the race but was reinstated on short notice when @Falsedawn 's campaign conceded. We were unable to question him with short notice. You are free to still tag and ask something yourself during this round.

BREAKING NEWS: Candidate FalseDawn drops out of race to handle other obligations; Snakedafunky qualifies for Round 2
It's been a wild ride for Snakedafunky's campaign. After being told he would no longer qualify for the Round 2 debates, the race appeared to be over. However, a breaking development on Wednesday involving Falsedawn's concession from the race granted Snakedafunky the final spot of the stage.

BREAKING NEWS: Candidates Junes, Ehtheist, and VivaRevolution unable to qualify for debates or ballot
After a hard fought battle from these candidates in Round 1, they were unable to garner enough to make it to the debate stage. What was now a large field of candidates has been slimmed down to 15.

Voting in the Jungle Primary will begin Monday, November 28th.
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The War Room Citizen Registry:
@Anung Un Rama
@bad seed
@Bat Dad
@carlos cadona
@Charles Manson
@Cubo de Sangre
@Concurrent GOAT
@Devout Pessimist
@Diamond Jim
@Dr J
@Farmer Br0wn
@Gutter Chris
@Hans Gruber
@Hans Gercmiov
@Hollywood Nicky
@In The Name Of
@Jack V Savage
@J. Bernie Cunningham
@Joseph Budden
@King of Fists
@Leroy Jenkins
@Limbo Pete
@Rex Kwon Do
@second sight
@Teen Wolf
@The ScorpioN
@The Diplomat
@The Higher Power
@Undying Poster
@Vitamin C
I would have liked a fun question like the "X or Y?" ones.

I hadn't seen that Palis threatened to inflict his undoubtedly beastly visage on the group if he wins. That's interesting.
@Falsedawn i was looking forward to destr... debating you. <{1-7}>

Sorry to disappoint, real life called and told me i'm gonna need to scale back for real for a couple of weeks. I'm getting the last of my shitposting in now while I can.
I would have liked a fun question like the "X or Y?" ones.

I hadn't seen that Palis threatened to inflict his undoubtedly beastly visage on the group if he wins. That's interesting.

Sometimes, I ran out of questions and just did those.
12 Angry Men or 7 Samurai?
Sometimes, I ran out of questions and just did those.
12 Angry Men or 7 Samurai?

Seven Samurai, but Three Kings is better than both of them. Stalag 17 and Se7en deserve consideration on that list, too.

Ed: Also 25th Hour.
After the international Sherdog establishment and mods specially their henchman #lead the creep have tried everything to keep me off the bailout.
Finally the movement for a free WAR ROOM can take back control.

As the leader of the movement for a free WAR ROOM. I snakedafunky official pledge that after we win the presidency the first 2 month of our reign,
we will hand offer, unconditional control of the dedicated sticky thread to @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski
To all disappointed and forgotten @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski supporters that have been robbed of a @Hans Gruber or @sodapopinski presidency by the international Sherdog conspiracy.
Snakedafunky has not forgotten you.

A vote for snakedafunky is a vote for @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski.

Free Sherdoggers of the WAR ROOM I ask you once more, rise and be worthy of this historical hour!
Some people will tell you free Sherdoger is a bad word. They'll conjure up images of 400LBS guys in their moms basements or Tapout shirt wearing douchebags.
This is our duty - to change their perception. I say free Sherdoggers and the 2 female Sherdoggers of the world unite! We must never acquiesce for it is together,
TOGETHER, THAT WE PREVAIL! We must never cede control of the WAR ROOM!
Together that we prevail!


#United for one war Room
#A vote for Snakedafuny is a vote for @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski
@Jack V Savage Can you please comment on how it is that the Sherdog international establishment came up with a system that has you listed first on the list of candidates?
You are clearly the candidate from the international Sherdog establishment and the mod team.

How can we take anything #Jack "Wolf Blitzer" Savage says seriously? He is merely a plant from the mod team.
The same mod team that tried everything to keep me of the bailout, but gave #Jack V Blitzer the chance to answer first.

Really well done so far, @Lead. Bravo!

Anyone who won't release their picture is suspect, imo, and possibly a shill or a lizard or whatever. My eyes are open.
After the international Sherdog establishment and mods specially their henchman #lead the creep have tried everything to keep me off the bailout.
Finally the movement for a free WAR ROOM can take back control.

As the leader of the movement for a free WAR ROOM. I snakedafunky official pledge that after we win the presidency the first 2 month of our reign,
we will hand offer, unconditional control of the dedicated sticky thread to @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski
To all disappointed and forgotten @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski supporters that have been robbed of a @Hans Gruber or @sodapopinski presidency by the international Sherdog conspiracy.
Snakedafunky has not forgotten you.

A vote for snakedafunky is a vote for @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski.

Free Sherdoggers of the WAR ROOM I ask you once more, rise and be worthy of this historical hour!
Some people will tell you free Sherdoger is a bad word. They'll conjure up images of 400LBS guys in their moms basements or Tapout shirt wearing douchebags.
This is our duty - to change their perception. I say free Sherdoggers and the 2 female Sherdoggers of the world unite! We must never acquiesce for it is together,
TOGETHER, THAT WE PREVAIL! We must never cede control of the WAR ROOM!
Together that we prevail!


#United for one war Room
#A vote for Snakedafuny is a vote for @Hans Gruber and @sodapopinski

Look at this folks. This candidate wants you, War Roomers, to vote for him so he can turn control to others. He is actively campaigning to not do his job as War Room President and take his sticky thread by the short hairs and guide it. Instead he purposes to turn it over to two posters that would turn the thread into an unofficial Wiki-Leaks twitter dump. Is this what you want? you want a President that will look over the War Room thread and point out and mock the shit-thread starts on both sides. With your help we will end this practice and make the War Room a better place for all.

You were not available for questions before hand, which I believes shows a total lack of respect for the office you are running for. Now there is a great pressing question that I'm sure others have that I will ask you.

There is one thing and one thing alone you can do to make the War Room something special. I ask you are you ready to sacrifice for the office, for the War Room and give people what they want...nudes pictures of your wife?

You were not available for questions before hand, which I believes shows a total lack of respect for the office you are running for. Now there is a great pressing question that I'm sure others have that I will ask you.

There is one thing and one thing alone you can do to make the War Room something special. I ask you are you ready to sacrifice for the office, for the War Room and give people what they want...nudes pictures of your wife?

I submitted my answers this evening. I thought I had by Thursday EST to get them in.

And...I must decline your request. I am the morality candidate.
panamaican Q&A has now been added
What is the greatest threat to the health of the War Room? How will you work to allieviate this threat?
The greatest threat to the health of the War Room is the uptick in celebrated, absolute, unbridled, unchanging ignorance. Which is distinct from the normal ignorance that arises from the natural lack of exposure to something. I will continue doing the unpraised work of belittling the wilfully ignorant. Exposing them to sunlight so that other posters can drive a stake through their hearts and shove garlic into their mouths.

What voters do you believe you campaign will be able to appeal to in order to get to the general election? Is that coalition large enough to do so?

I think my campaign will appeal to anyone who has ever read a book. Anyone who has ever written a paper. Watched a documentary. Those souls who watch the news but add their own grain of salt. The men, women, and children who ask themselves "Did I learn something new today?"

And, yes gotdammit, that coalition is large enough to win this thing. It's large enough to shake up the world. USA USA USA...wait...WR WR WR. I am a candidate for all WR posters...even the rapists and criminals.
Look at this folks. This candidate wants you, War Roomers, to vote for him so he can turn control to others. He is actively campaigning to not do his job as War Room President and take his sticky thread by the short hairs and guide it. Instead he purposes to turn it over to two posters that would turn the thread into an unofficial Wiki-Leaks twitter dump. Is this what you want? you want a President that will look over the War Room thread and point out and mock the shit-thread starts on both sides. With your help we will end this practice and make the War Room a better place for all.

The movement of free Sherdogers will be a movement for all free Sherdogers. Even for poster like #m52CUCKerson.
#m52CUCKerson will only represent all the CUCKs within the international Sherdog establishment and mod team.

A Voter for #m52CUCKerson is a vote against freedom and for more cucking. He will enjoy seeing Sherdog cucked like he does in his private life.

Did people receive the tag notification from the registry? I feel like it didn't work
@Jack V Savage Can you please comment on how it is that the Sherdog international establishment came up with a system that has you listed first on the list of candidates?
You are clearly the candidate from the international Sherdog establishment and the mod team.

Isn't it obvious? The Sherdog international establishment is the same as the overall establishment, which is backing me (hence my preference for the NYRB over the Daily Sheeple).

BTW, just to give a demonstration of the kind of shit I will be bringing to the people's attention if I win:

That's a visual representation of Viva trying to grasp a point.

You say that you want to "Make War Room Great Again", but a lot of posters that migrated from other websites say that makes you Racist?

A lot of people remember the "tufnoobbanof2005" saying that the war room has always been racist and that it was never really great. What do you say to those people?
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