SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB: Week 67 Discussion - The Room

OMG you're watching THE ROOM

One of the best movies ever!!!
It was like it always is, Clip: Beautiful.

I want to be in this movie club but I can't commit to watching a movie every week.

But yeah this movie is wonderful in it's ineptness - a great watch and study of how could a human have possibly made this

good times
You just posted that breakdown because you wanted to beat your own late-review record, jeicex. You looked at the post-date for Valhalla Rising and told yourself, "No, I can do better." I'm on to you!
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One thing that I read after this week was done was that Tommy Wiseau didn't want to say the word "fiance" on screen because he had a vitriolic hatred of everything French, hence the word "future wife" being spoken instead.
You just posted that breakdown because you wanted to beat your own late-review record, jeicex. You looked at the post-date for Valhalla Rising and told yourself, "No, I can do better." I'm on to you!
I mean, I can't help but get in late for a SMC conversation, but I had already started a discussion about The Room. I was the guy who nominated those flicks and ended up making us watch The Room. It's not quite an anniversary, since we watched it in August and I just watched in June 10 months later, but close.
And also, Oiseau means bird in French, which sure lines up with Wiseau in French.
Is there a worse actress than Lisa's mother? I mean every line she says, it's just pure manufactured nonsense. She's even worse than Johnny's acting, I think.

And no, I still haven't seen the Disaster Artist, I need to soon. Same with Best F(r)iends.
Nah guy, Lisa's mother is the best in the movie. She says what the audience is thinking. Such as when those two randoms are messing around with chocolate in Johnny's apartment and she says "Who are these characters?"

I hadn't heard of this Best F(r)iends movie until now. Apparently it's a two-part film? Over three hours total. Could be amazing, could be unwatchable.
Also, that dog looked like it was affixed to the counter and not an actual dog.
Tommy only noticed the dog during the shot in the actual finished movie. And that scene was so rushed because the store was closing and it was the very last scene shot for the whole movie. So they were rushing through the scene and Tommy noticed the dog and took the time to pet and greet it before finishing the scene.
So Denny is in debt with a drug dealer, and owes him some money. The drug dealer's name is Chris-R? Also, according to wikipedia, the guy that played Chris-R was on the Armenian Olympic bobsled team. What a bizarre turn of events. I can't even imagine how that came to pass.
That's hilarious. I take back what I said about Lisa's mom, Chris-R was the best performance in the movie. And that scene was probably the funniest to me. It's completely out of nowhere and out of step with the rest of the movie.
So Denny admits that he's in love with Lisa to Johnny, and Johnny says don't worry about it and doesn't think of Denny as a weird dude. Was Denny weird, or does he have a mental condition? I think I remember Tommy Wiseau saying that Denny was "slow" but I don't know where that came out.
I recall europe1 and I discussed this and decided it was something Tommy started saying after the fact, probably because of so many people asking "Is Denny retarded or something?"
Who told him that she was telling people he hit her? Did I miss that?
It's never shown or mentioned how he knows.
Mark gets high, and Peter doesn't smoke that stuff. I think someone needs to show Mark the dangers of the marijuana from "Reefer Madness", he's off the chain getting high talking about running and killing himself, it's no wonder he can think straight. Is this a secret anti-weed campaign? Mark smokes weed, and then almost throws Peter off the roof and flips out on everyone?
That's one of the most bizarre scenes to me. Just absolutely baffling.
Is "XYZ" actually a way to tell people to zip up their pants? I've never heard that outside of this film.
Pretty sure I heard this when I was a kid. But only by other kids.
Is Lisa's mom the voice of reason? Is she the moral center of The Room?
Yes and yes.
Oh, wait, there's the new character that asks why he's doing this. Who is he? Is he supposed to be Peter? And why is he supposed to leave his stupid comments in his pocket?
So that guy is supposed to be Mike or Peter, the one who says he feels like he's "sitting on an atomic bomb"? He can't be someone new, because he cares too much and we didn't even know about him for a few minutes. Meanwhile, it's going to pull us all down, destroy our friendship, and so on. He learned about Mark by walking in on him, but weird.
I think what happened is the guy who played Peter had to leave before filming was complete. So they got this new guy and gave him the lines Peter would have said. That's why there's no set up of who he is and how he knows them. In the credits he's named Steven, but that name is not said in the movie.
Where did everything go so wrong with Mark and Johnny? Did he learn that Mark was with him, before Mark said "if you would keep your girl satisfied..."

So how did he know Mark was the guy, until then? We got no moment of "that's it". It just happened and we had to deal with it. I know I'm trying to dig into ridiculous nonsense, but still. We have so many questions, Mr. Wiseau.
I guess that is the moment of realization, but then Tommy acts like he already knew. Or they forgot to write and film him finding out, like how we don't know how he learned Lisa was saying that he had hit her.
So, Mark tells Johnny about a woman getting beaten by her boyfriend and getting put into a hospital, and Johnny just laughs it off? What planet is he living on?
And everyone is sad that Johnny is gone.

This feels like a fantasy, like one of those "They'll be sorry when I'm gone" type of stories.
These two things show the mindset of Tommy. He laughed because he thought the woman deserved it and that it was genuinely funny.

The whole movie boils down to exactly what you said, "They'll be sorry when I'm gone," like a twisted It's a Wonderful Life.
I appreciate you appreciating this trainwreck of a movie dissection. It was a mess. A beautiful mess. Just like before, though, if you think about it.
It's the only so-bad-it's-good movie I've been really into. I think it might be the funniest movie I've ever seen. I had to pause multiple times due to laughing so hard. Almost every line from Tommy made me laugh.
One thing that I read after this week was done was that Tommy Wiseau didn't want to say the word "fiance" on screen because he had a vitriolic hatred of everything French, hence the word "future wife" being spoken instead.
That's hilarious. Kind of like how he tackled Greg Sestero for speaking French and said "no French Dammit!"

Why does Tommy hate French things?
Why does Tommy hate French things?

Remember how mysterious his past was, like people not even knowing what country he emigrated from?

It HAS to have something to do with that, some sort of percieved mental trauma to him.

As I memtioned, the best guess is that Tommy is a Walloon, whom are French-speaking.
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Guys. You know what time it is. It's been about a year since my last runthrough, and I am done for the day after multiple promising job interviews, so it's time to kick back with a bunch of oat sodas and watch The Room. Get ready for the hurricane. I haven't read anything I wrote last year, so I look forward to any reactions I have mirroring the things I said in the past. This will be a horrible play-by-play, but after the last month I'm taking the well-deserved rest of the day off. If you have any issues with the posts I'm about to make, you probably should avoid this thread for a while.
My goal is to be like this in 90 minutes.

And in true professional fashion, this thread will now be live. Not the way the software was intended (or maybe it is), but who's counting. I'll turn it back after the show's over.
Here are the rules I'm following today:
  • Drink whenever:
    • Johnny says, "Oh, hai."
    • there's a sex scene.
    • a football is thrown.
    • you see a picture of a spoon in Johnny's apartment.
    • Denny appears.
    • someone impersonates a chicken.
  • Waterfall during any pan of the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Finish your beer during the Scotchka scene.
can we get some mods in here? Ban this guy for spamming or at least give him a timeout.
I miss San Francisco. It was a good town, even though it was a bit expensive. I wanted to get a job out there but cost of living wasn't worth it.

But Denny, what a creep. Who crashes a pillow fight?