Shadow Boxing with Hammers

Well when your beatstick is heavy enough, being able to swing it in the first place is all you need to get the job done.

For everything else, i imagine some form of point fighting with protective gear and training weapons along with wrestling.

But how do they practice tagging each other with percussion sparring equipment? And still be realistic ?
I have two hammers but they are different sizes, weights, and types of hammers..

Wut do?
But how do they practice tagging each other with percussion sparring equipment? And still be realistic ?

Getting stabbed tends to make it difficult to keep fighting, so if anything, point fighting is even *more* realistic when training to fight with weapons.
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Getting stabbed tends to make it difficult to keep fighting, so if anything, point fighting is even *more* realistic when training to fight with weapons.

With swords its all about quickness, and you can dull the edges and point on them. That way you can go full contact with no damage.
With swords its all about quickness, and you can dull the edges and point on them. That way you can go full contact with no damage.

Are you asking, or telling bro.

The best way to inculcate 'quickness' is by magic touch; you've seen olympic fencing presumably? same deal.

There's really no other way to quantify it; elsewise you'd just start getting grade-school bullshit games. 'I hit you good!' 'nuh uh, that didn't count!'.
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I think they are using hammers because the weight is unevenly distributed. He said in the vid that one of the points was to help with internal rotation/pronation and turning the wrist over. Holding the hammer like he does, the head of the hammer will force that as it's heavier than the shaft. Dumbbells wouldn't do that the same way. Dunno, but that's my guess.

Either way, don't know how legitimate of a coach he is, and yeah, for the purpose of overcoming resistance, small free weights could be used, or even heavy gloves to a certain extent. Or bands, or wrist weights, or whatever. Probably better to hold something in your hand though as you're working the muscles of the hand too and clenching the fist. Never really used weighted punching.
Good guess!! ;) Thats precisely why the hammer heads are turned inward.