Season 2: Sherdog UFC Real Time Game Draft Thread FINAL League!

Fuck these clique threads. They should be wastelanded. Seriously.


These leagues are awesome and @TCE is the man.

You're just salty you can't play.
99 percent of Sherdog can't "play." Play what? Too many clique threads lately. I'm getting ready for the real draft. Fantasy football motherfucker and the draft is in person. Amateurs ...
99 percent of Sherdog can't "play." Play what? Too many clique threads lately. I'm getting ready for the real draft. Fantasy football motherfucker and the draft is in person. Amateurs ...

99 percent of Sherdog can't "play." Play what? Too many clique threads lately. I'm getting ready for the real draft. Fantasy football motherfucker and the draft is in person. Amateurs ...

Nobody wants to play your stupid game. I'm sorry.
Yes you do... You're spamming the shit out of this thread just because you can't be in our clique.
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