Sea Lion Grabs Girl.

I like the way he just continues to film saying "oh my god" repeatedly instead of helping.
What a retarded family. Lets let the wild animal nip at our child and not pull her away when she thinks its a good idea to plant her ass right in front of it.
lol. Poor kid but that's what people get for treating wild animals like domesticated dogs. Watch the video again and check out the Sea Lion, the whole time it's hunting.

Notice how it's momentarily gauging whether or not it can drag down the full grown guy who's sticking his hand out, but then spots the little girl.
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OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!........continues
I like how she still sat down on the ledge after the sea lion's first attempt. Some people have no sense of danger.
BJ Penn-esque is his agility in the water, Joe.
lol I stay away from the ocean creatures yo
@ 1:30


That old guy who jumped right in was a boss.
Can someone say traumatic moment for a kid. She'll be seeing a shrink later on in life.
P&M ---------------------------------------<
The fuck are people reaching out to touch it for? What do they think is going to happen?

That's what you get for treating a wild animal that lives in the fucking ocean like you would your domesticated dog.
Saw this earlier, that's why you DONT FEED WILD ANIMALS

People do it because they think it's cute, but it's not going to be cute when the animal views humans as a source of food and gets aggressive when people don't give it any

This sea lion views people as a food source, especially the way the girl kneels right up to the edge like she's got something. The sea lion thought the girls dress was food, but as soon as he realized it wasn't, it just let her go. It could've been worse if he was hungrier
OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!........continues

Lol I had the same thought at first, but it looks like he uses two hands to pull the old man out of the water. Could be a GoPro.