SBBC: 2014 "The Cannys" Award Show

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2K was the shit out the gate when they kept Iverson as the cover guy for like the first four years...

the original 2Ks on the Dreamcast were fucking lifechanging. For some reason, Keith Van Horn was a beast in that game, and I shit all over everybody w/ the East A.S team, iverson and KVH were unstoppable
Where is the bottle gif YouTube vid? I remember the guy is drunk as fuck and won't hand over his keys. Then Blam! Back to the head.
Scoured YT and came across this instead

lol that guy is a borderline mongoloid
Best part is he reveals he has a son towards the end

I could say something mean but at least he's still there for him
pretty positive that's canrona in that video
the bucket hat + can newton jersey combo was also priceless
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