Social Satanic Temple statue displayed among Nativity scene and menorah at IL Capitol

That is not an argument RIp or even an intelligent or honest reply. Here is the whole sentence but not even the whole argument I am making as I know you know. Emphasis added.

"You just focus on the fact that Jesus Christ, lord and saviour and only way to the one true God can transform your life profoundly, and after that he can do it again, and after that again, until you cannot believe the joy and love you get to have and participate in nearness to God in this life, until it is so great that people would not believe you if you told them..... it's the same message but deeper which is what the early church fathers had."
Religion is just man’s bastardized attempt to establish control. The true religion and the true faith is literally faith itself. Because the opposite of faith is fear, and another word for fear is darkness. Another word for faith is light. It’s been about darkness and light from the beginning. Each of us can navigate there on our own WITHOUT man’s deceitful attempts to “help”. Bottom line...the way the truth and the light is real, and you most likely sensed it all along.
Correction - YOUR representation of all evil.

To other religions such as the gnostics, the abrahamic faith's creator god is an ignorant and imperfect, and the serpent in the garden was a liberator. Some gnostics (The Sethisns I believe) say the serpent was Sophia, the "mother" of the false creator god. The creator god emanated from Sophia. Gnosticism and gnostics christianity are ancient and existed in the 1st century, several hundred years before St. Jerome compiled what is mostly thought of when people in the west think of "the bible".

So basically in YOUR belief system you think this, others will vary. Anton LaVey Satanism doesn't worship anything other than themselves in their own ego (@CauseImbetta correct me if I'm way off on that). If this was erected by the Temple of set then maybe you would a different conversation.

I appreciate the effort. Worshipping your own primitive desires is definitely worshipping the devil. That is what is already spreading and causing misery.
Democrats are the party of killing unborn babies, putting kids on hormones, putting men in girls restrooms, and now they cheer this. They are the Satanic party.

Also, the Left hates Christmas.
You openly support a man who is everything a Christian should not be.

If there is one good thing to say about Trump is that he has exposed guys like you for the morally bankrupt shameless hypocrites that you are.
Yes in the past Christian's were doing shit like that but that isn't now.

I have with any religion you want to make up and be part of but if your whole goal is just to just fuck with people then expect to be treated that way.

In other words your have the right to be shit heads and I fully support that but I will still call you out on it.

All religions are full of shitheads who make things up. All religion is antiquated and dangerous.
You're a nerd. Nerds join satanist cults, and also people without friends.

Also the church didn't have a concert or die program ever, andbthe crusades were a response to defend the Byzantines and protect the Terra Sancta from Muslim aggression. That's just common knowledge.

Witch burning, well there was that. Done by all though. And muskims still execute witches

You don't sound like a very happy man.

A nerd? I know you are but what am I? Lol

More nerds join the Roman catolic Church and are fed clerical bullshit than anywhere else. Look into the history of the Crusades. There were 6 Crusades, each slaughtering Jewish communities and other groups of people in the way to the holy land.

The inquisition was terrible and until recently the church had to admit the earth isn't flat and evolution is true. All the while they continue to fuck thousands of children. Any other organization would have been long disbanded by now.
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Yes in the past Christian's were doing shit like that but that isn't now.

I have with any religion you want to make up and be part of but if your whole goal is just to just fuck with people then expect to be treated that way.

In other words your have the right to be shit heads and I fully support that but I will still call you out on it.
What about the global pedophile cover ups ? All in the past? <DisgustingHHH>

Religion is setup to be predatory in both their pressure to request you give them tax free money and take advantage of weak minded people and children
What about the global pedophile cover ups ? All in the past? <DisgustingHHH>

Religion is setup to be predatory in both their pressure to request you give them tax free money and take advantage of weak minded people and children

Just look at how the ruling Christian minority treated the Buddhist majority in south Vietnam during the Vietnam war. Mofos were willing to burn to death due to how cruel the Christians treated them.
Just look at how the ruling Christian minority treated the Buddhist majority in south Vietnam during the Vietnam war. Mofos were willing to burn to death due to how cruel the Christians treated them.
Yea they are sick, I just read about how a pregnant unmarried teacher was fired form a catholic school meanwhile priests who commit rape are protected and the evidence hidden and victims threatened by repercussions from God himself. Gotta do what's best to maintain dat cash flow
"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers." Proverbs 6:16-19

Hmm, what would the opposite of "God's" dislikes?

A thumbs up for arrogance, lies, shedding the blood of the innocent, evil plans, rushing to do what is wrong, spreading slander, and planting chaos among us?

Alleged Satanist: "That is not what Satan stands for! He stands for enlightenment!"

Questioner: "Enlightenment to do what?"

Alleged Satanist: "To do what you want..."

Questioner: "Huh. And what does the human heart desire with no moral boundaries, guidance, and sense of truth?"

Alleged Satanist: "We can be free and equal!"

Questioner: "To do whatever you want? That sounds like a good recipe for cooking up a lot of prehistoric minded people who are mindlessly arrogant, constantly lie for their own ends, want to solve problems with violence, construct envious schemes, rush to laugh at the misfortune of others, and further their schemes with duplicitous stabs in the back."

Alleged Satanist: "What? Are you an idiot Christian? Fuck off you hateful loser! I -know- what is right, I say what I want when I want to, if you don't fuck off I will kick your ass (with like six other dudes to help?), I'm so going to post about you on the internet, I'm going to laugh when all of my followers out you as a loser, I'm going to ruin your life... on the internet!"

Questioner: "Oh, great. Thanks for proving me wrong... I guess, have a great day."

@Ripskater @splendica @Devout Pessimist
I thought Satanism retreated into Scandinavia in 1989 and then murdered themselves in the mid '90s?
Zeena turned out to be the typical PK.
I thought Satanism retreated into Scandinavia in 1989 and then murdered themselves in the mid '90s?
Zeena turned out to be the typical PK.
It's apparently really increasing. They really spread it online from what this says.

Witchcraft and other pagan religious practices increased in the U.S. over the past few decades, with millennials turning to astrology and tarot cards as they turn away from Christianity and other traditionally dominant Abrahamic religions.


Yeah, they are not the kind of witches who will sacrifice a young child to Moloch (For the most part) but rather are looking for a new age way to tap into something of spiritualism.

From our perspective losing the baby and keeping the tepid bath water, but for the most part harmless except perhaps to themselves and their cats.