saenchai vs buakaw

Because Buakaw is a fanboy :)

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:62.48665955176094% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div><p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by Saenchai (@saenchaithailand)</a> on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2017-12-05T08:13:50+00:00">Dec 5, 2017 at 12:13am PST</time></p></div></blockquote>
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You brought up Saenchais accomplishments in stadium Thai boxing. It's true. But It's also true that Sombat has had the more lucrative international career and is accomplished in his own right. The bottom line is that I feel that Buakaw can out work Saenchai. But so what? he's bigger and not some bum foreigner.

Also Bukaw finally is going to have a go with Fabio Pinca I believe this next weekend. That is a guy who has got a win in out of two goes with Saenchai. Should be a good fight. That would be a big win for either guy. But probably more so for Pinca who would have wins against Saenchai and Buakaw if he gets the W in the upcoming bout.

I brought up Saenchai's accomplishments because you implied that he's just some guy that styles on foreigners when that's not even close to being true. As for the Pinca fight it's a gimme for Buakaw, Pinca is best at 65-67kg and has come up short in his 70kg fights. Not to mention that Buakaw already outclassed Salvador for 5 rounds and ko'd Hlali in the first. Buakaw is just bigger and better imo. While it's better than him beating up some poor chinese guy there are more interesting fights out there for him. Pinca's win over Saenchai is controversial to say the least, most people think he lost it and he had a huge weight advantage.

Edit: Wasn't the Pinca fight cancelled given that he had a rough ko loss to Boynazarov recently?
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I brought up Saenchai's accomplishments because you implied that he's just some guy that styles on foreigners when that's not even close to being true. As for the Pinca fight it's a gimme for Buakaw, Pinca is best at 65-67kg and has come up short in his 70kg fights. Not to mention that Buakaw already outclassed Salvador for 5 rounds and ko'd Hlali in the first. Buakaw is just bigger and better imo. While it's better than him beating up some poor chinese guy there are more interesting fights out there for him. Pinca's win over Saenchai is controversial to say the least, most people think he lost it and he had a huge weight advantage.

Edit: Wasn't the Pinca fight cancelled given that he had a rough ko loss to Boynazarov recently?
yeh I'm pretty sure its off now
Pinca has been heavily koed recently...

Saenchai is way smaller for Buakaw
Well if it helps he's cool as fuck in person. I always thought he was a dick based on his in ring mannerisms and occasional dirty strike but that's far from the truth. He is a part of so many classic fights and is always exciting. Very clean technique and combination flow.

Def is a legend in a sport! And he has had some good wars. A great coach too. Josh Jauncy was a force until recently.
15 years ago? Probably Saenchai
10 years ago? Probably Saenchai
5 Years ago? Probably Saenchai
Today? Probably Buakaw

Saenchai is the better fighter by far.
I brought up Saenchai's accomplishments because you implied that he's just some guy that styles on foreigners when that's not even close to being true. As for the Pinca fight it's a gimme for Buakaw, Pinca is best at 65-67kg and has come up short in his 70kg fights. Not to mention that Buakaw already outclassed Salvador for 5 rounds and ko'd Hlali in the first. Buakaw is just bigger and better imo. While it's better than him beating up some poor chinese guy there are more interesting fights out there for him. Pinca's win over Saenchai is controversial to say the least, most people think he lost it and he had a huge weight advantage.

Edit: Wasn't the Pinca fight cancelled given that he had a rough ko loss to Boynazarov recently?

Lol, I never implied Saenchai was just some flashy guy. He has legit skills and is a living legend. But in my opinion he try's too hard to entertain and can get outworked by detirmened focused fighters like in the last Pinca fight. Yes Pinca was bigger but pretty much all the guys Saenchai fights internationally are bigger. Saenchai def didn't get smoked or anything but I can see how a judge could have gave it to Pinca. But I think Saenchai could have won clearly if he just got to work and stop looking to land signature moves.

Just my opinion again.

Sucks about the Pinca KO. Buakaw vs Pinca would have been a fun fight.

Anyone got any video if the bout in which Fabio took the " L " ??
Lol, I never implied Saenchai was just some flashy guy. He has legit skills and is a living legend. But in my opinion he try's too hard to entertain and can get outworked by detirmened focused fighters like in the last Pinca fight. Yes Pinca was bigger but pretty much all the guys Saenchai fights internationally are bigger. Saenchai def didn't get smoked or anything but I can see how a judge could have gave it to Pinca. But I think Saenchai could have won clearly if he just got to work and stop looking to land signature moves.

Just my opinion again.

Sucks about the Pinca KO. Buakaw vs Pinca would have been a fun fight.

Anyone got any video if the bout in which Fabio took the " L " ??

Here you have :

Enjoy. That arrogant French was too confident on his status. The other guy patiently walk him down, was tough.
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Here you have :

Enjoy. That arrogant French was too confident on his status. The other guy patiently walk him down, was tough.

Woah !!

Thanks for the reply. That was a good hard scrap by those guys. Fabio looked pretty good IMO. At least he gets after it. Gotta start catching up on more GLORY events. He got caught for sure, but looked like a good back and forth scrap up until then. Meh, shit happens.

Perhaps that Mongolian looking gentleman should have a go with Sombat then ?? ( not going to attempt to pronounce his name ).

<{1-8}> .
Woah !!

Thanks for the reply. That was a good hard scrap by those guys. Fabio looked pretty good IMO. At least he gets after it. Gotta start catching up on more GLORY events. He got caught for sure, but looked like a good back and forth scrap up until then. Meh, shit happens.

Perhaps that Mongolian looking gentleman should have a go with Sombat then ?? ( not going to attempt to pronounce his name ).

<{1-8}> .

Azerbaijan lol

Pinca will be destructed by Buakaw, it ll be epic
Woah !!

Thanks for the reply. That was a good hard scrap by those guys. Fabio looked pretty good IMO. At least he gets after it. Gotta start catching up on more GLORY events. He got caught for sure, but looked like a good back and forth scrap up until then. Meh, shit happens.

Perhaps that Mongolian looking gentleman should have a go with Sombat then ?? ( not going to attempt to pronounce his name ).

<{1-8}> .
If Pinca and Boynazarpv fight again, Pinca wins 9/10 times.
If you want to see Saenchai murk foreigners with ill intent just watch his Thai Fight bouts...

Sometimes he'll hold back in fights when he realizes there is a huge gap in skill level and he doesn't want to be an asshole.
saenchai and buakaw don't even play football against each other in charity events...
If Pinca and Boynazarpv fight again, Pinca wins 9/10 times.

i agree. I think Pinca is a better well round fighter, not taking anything from boynazarav. I think Pinca may have been over confident, also take into consideration it was a kickboxing fight, not MT, and Pinca usually fights MT. Lastly I dont want to say it was a lucky shot becuase it was not, but I still think Pinca is better and had that not happened, would have beat him. That being said, anything can happen in a fight, and this time, a big punch landed that put him down.
Lol, I never implied Saenchai was just some flashy guy. He has legit skills and is a living legend. But in my opinion he try's too hard to entertain and can get outworked by detirmened focused fighters like in the last Pinca fight. Yes Pinca was bigger but pretty much all the guys Saenchai fights internationally are bigger. Saenchai def didn't get smoked or anything but I can see how a judge could have gave it to Pinca. But I think Saenchai could have won clearly if he just got to work and stop looking to land signature moves.

Just my opinion again.

Saenchai's muay thai record against foreigners is near flawless aside from that fight which he should have probably won. Yeah he doesn't push the pace at times but at that point he was fighting once a month, his ability to cruise through fights is why he can fight on such a busy schedule at his age. Not sure why you are tunnelling on a fight that happened 5 years ago. Saenchai's has the most issues when he is against taller clinch fighters like Petboonchu, Sagetdao, Yodwicha etc. He wasn't playing to the crowd in those fights.
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Saenchai's muay thai record against foreigners is near flawless aside from that fight which he should have probably won. Yeah he doesn't push the pace at times but at that point he was fighting once a month, his ability to cruise through fights is why he can fight on such a busy schedule at his age. Not sure why you are tunnelling on a fight that happened 5 years ago. Saenchai's has the most issues when he is against taller clinch fighters like Petboonchu, Sagetdao, Yodwicha etc. He wasn't playing to the crowd in those fights.

I brought it up because it was an instance that I remember that Saenchai let a fight get away that he prob could have clearly won if he took it more seriously. It's not like Pinca was a bum. And yeah I felt like Pinca did more work in the clinch for the most part in that second bout.

Stop making me repeat myself and I will stop talking about it too. Kay?

l@nd0 .
Saenchai is the best stand up fighter Ive ever seen live.