Russian HW Maxim Novosyolov (5-2) Fighting Two smaller guys at the same time.

Lol those guys were taking turns going after him, and just running at him and falling.
Reminds me of Aikido showcases.

Also, why does the guy with camo pants fight like a bootleg Jackie Chan?
Very bad strategy by those 2 <{cruzshake}>
Lol at that guy in the long pants.
That Russian McGregor got off easy. Too bad he didn't get his neck cranked too.
I thought it was going to be a bit more competitive than that, I don't think the guy in the camo pants has ever been to a gym. He should stick to watching Kung-fu movies.
At the time-stamp I linked, the bigger of the 2 smaller guys could have hit him with a good shot "sucker-punch" but chose to not to strike. Strange. I guess the window for it wasn't open very long.


Thought I had seen this guy before

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LOL I love russians.

The guy with the camo pants... that was fucking hilarious.
too bad they werent throwing with real intent... but entertaining nonetheless
Russia is awesome. Keep her safe from the globalists.
That ain't shit.

I've seen Baruto fight 5 guys at once in sumo and win