Right in the deferments!

OverCoronavirus Pressure

Mayberry = War Room, WR = OT. Shit.
Jan 29, 2015
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John McCain, who served his country, finally lowered the boom on Fatfuck Deferments Donny.

“One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest-income level of America, and the highest-income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur,” McCain said. “That is wrong. That is wrong. If we are going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve.”

Donny was too chickenshit, too soft to go do what other MEN of his generation did when their country called.

And yet his born- rich fat ass has the GALL to criticize soldiers.
I guess he knew what he was avoiding.

Trump is a huge coward and hypocrite.
Rich boy born with the silver spoon in his mouth and used that to dodge military work.
It was probably for the better though,he'd be too pathetic for anything regarding front line combat.
Aren't we proud to have a draft dodger as President?
Isn't it great the way he criticizes the service of those who bothered while counting his money with his fat, soft hands?
Drain that swamp!
Aren't we proud to have a draft dodger as President?
Isn't it great the way he criticizes the service of those who bothered while counting his money with his fat, soft hands?
Drain that swamp!
Yeah that’s never happened before. We’ve never had a draft dodger as president and then had people hold him up as a great president while sexually assualting young women
I'd have went the Trump route at the time if I could. But then I wouldn't be a war hawk now.

Deferments + War Hawk = Chicken Hawk.
Wow, I never knew the left had so much respect for the Vietnam war and the men who fought in it.

I bet the left at the time was furious at people who avoided the draft.