Resident Evil 2 Remake/General

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I havent been following but holy shit the remake is over the shoulder? YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!

I always disliked the locked camera it feels less immersive for me personally

You want Claire gameplay?

Here's your Claire gameplay!

What? I had to close after fast forwarding several minutes. But yes, Claire is nice, the nicest RE chick imo. Better than Jill. Too bad her voice will be unrecognizable in this new game.

EDIT - watched the 2nd video and ugh, I'm just not hyped. It looks and feels too much like RE6 and Revelations and not nearly enough like RE4 and RE5.
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What? I had to close after fast forwarding several minutes. But yes, Claire is nice, the nicest RE chick imo. Better than Jill. Too bad her voice will be unrecognizable in this new game.

EDIT - watched the 2nd video and ugh, I'm just not hyped. It looks and feels too much like RE6 and Revelations and not nearly enough like RE4 and RE5.

why would we want that? Game was a sack of shit
Playing through RE7 on PSVR right now and it's pretty frickin incredible.
Man this looks amazing. Wish they would have given all the other games this sort of treatment when upgrading them.
Playing through RE5, and now I know why I never finished this game. The damn bosses are bullet sponges. Bosses in the other games do feel slightly like that but they teethered on the edge, and hence made them more tense. These bosses just drag, and drag, it gets boring.
resident evil really went downhill after 2. this one looks good, I hope they don't ruin it with some corny shit like 7 with the overused creepy little girl cliche.
resident evil really went downhill after 2. this one looks good, I hope they don't ruin it with some corny shit like 7 with the overused creepy little girl cliche.
Would disagree with that. I think RE3 and CV are both great entries. 4 is subjective as to how you prefer your RE but I think objectively it’s still a very good game.
resident evil really went downhill after 2. this one looks good, I hope they don't ruin it with some corny shit like 7 with the overused creepy little girl cliche.

RE7 brought the series back to its survival horror roots, dont reduce it to that to make a point.
4 is subjective as to how you prefer your RE but I think objectively it’s still a very good game.

RE4 would be a great game even if it wasnt a RE game, youre 100% right here.

RE5 tried to inject steroids into the formula, but then instead of an Arnold, we got these clouds with overly huge stomachs. It lacks the nuance and atmosphere that made RE4s o good, and it definitely lacked the pacing. RE4 is imo the best paced game ever. RE4 has a rhythm to it, and once you got in the zone, it was magnificent. RE5 was a shoot em up, with no regard for rhythm. Instead of allowing a player to get into a rhythm, they chuck plenty of zombies into an area that run around mindlessly. I could write essays on how good RE4 is, and its no wonder I love Bloodborne so much, since its steeped in RE4 inspired level design, enemies etc.

Im playing through RE6 now, and man I love Leon's campaign, its just a pure blast to play. The boss designs are amazing here, its a fantastic action game. Chris's campaign is pretty meh though.
3 is a great but it was a cash grab by Sony.
CV is great for casual play but has awful mechanics for speedrunning or doing no damage.
4 is a classic game period and was the kick in the ass the series needed at the time.
CV is probably still my favorite to this day.
CV is probably still my favorite to this day.
Actually yet to beat it ffs.

Stuffed up my game with not getting the grenade launched when the island was going to blow up and have never been bothered to start again.
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