religion of abstinence

1) So you are not providing any proof of your claims
2) "As to slavery justification through your stupid ass bible." - again, succinctly post your proof here. I asked you for proof not some guy who wrote an article.
3) "Hows this with that stupid fuck Paul?" - please post what you mean. He asked for the slave to not have to return. But in case you forget, the punishment for an escaped slave as well as helping a slave escape was death. But he did want the man to stay with him.
But please, go ahead and post your proof.
4) "Your children and your childrens children will abandon all you hold dear."- I hold dear that all men are created equal, and people should be to a great degree free, as free as they can be in a society that is moral, I think capitalism is great because it rewards you for hard work, i hold the arts such as painting and music and writing dearly. Anytime I see one human being showing compassion to another human being i get a little tear in my eye.
So, if you are gloating over the end of these things then we all see you for what you are.

5) "o anger, I laughed thinking about you doubting your stupid ass faith on your deathbed." - you sat there writing a whole butthurt spew on me. no one is believing you here.
now, i said you were butthurt and I think i figured out why

6) "Lol at red states donating more than blue states." - so, you don't care about charity. Got it.

7) " Im getting ready for work so if you need other sources it will have to wait until later I'm afraid."
"Anyway I'm throwing my suit on and jetting to work. "
- what does this matter at all? You have a job. Good for you. I have a job that thank God I don't have to wear a suit for. Do you want my approval that much???? Here, I am virtually patting you on the head like a good little boy ***pats your head***
- I can't wait to hear your arguments in your own words before I wipe my ass with them

8) "you doubting your stupid ass faith on your deathbed."- see that is the funny thing. I grew up vaguely church and all that. I was actually searching out other religions and etc. I was very much of the mind that Christianity was bullshit. But through my research I came to 100 percent complete belief in it being the Truth.
Now, funny you mention it because it seems many of the things you spew at me, are things you see in yourself that you are scared of. See,

God damn. All I read is garbage, I figured you were on yellows for a reason. I figured you were a troll... turns out you're fucking stupid.

Blocked, because... you are naturally beneath me, me even speaking to you is almost charity.