International Rebellion brewing in the State Department about the Israel-Palestine policy

Should America's policy towards Israel change to include more the needs of Palestinians?

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The person that wrote that op-ed became an ambassador after it was published.

The activists tend not to make it up the ladder at State. They will stay at a mid-level position in a country that isn't a high priority, or be sent to a massive embassy where they will be one of hundreds of FSOs. Or, they leave their job.
this used to be the case.
i wonder if that will be the case in the future.
There can be nothing done until Palestine removes a terrorist organization from its government. For all you ant Israel folks....What is Israel supposed to do? People act like they should just let Gaza be.....but when the area is run by terrorists you would just be signing your death certificate. We see what Hamas does--Targets civilians. Even uses its own people as shields. How do you just let that be? If you eradicate Hamas, then you deal with Iran and other militant extremist influenced nations. I think there is no chance for can only buy small amount of time periods of peace. I see no solution when one partyu is run by terrorists and believe in their bones that the other side should not exist.
Over 800 Officials in U.S. and Europe Sign Letter Protesting Israel Policies
The document was signed by government employees in 12 nations and E.U. institutions. Signers say their leaders’ policies could be contributing to war crimes in Gaza.

The executive branch needs to support Israel so it can bundle that support with Ukrainian aid (for which authority, if not yet funds, have expired) - if US aid to Ukraine dries up, Europe will follow and Russia could win.

Dude, Russia can barely get past Eastern Ukraine. Thinking they are somehow going to steamroll onto Europe is probably the stupidest thing someone can parrot.
Dude, Russia can barely get past Eastern Ukraine. Thinking they are somehow going to steamroll onto Europe is probably the stupidest thing someone can parrot.
I agree - I was talking about victory in Ukraine